Link to Dave Maki Musical Tribute Saturday October 16, 2010 8 to 10 pm is closed


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

2 crazy days....for me anyway

Feel a little guilty focusing on me.....but 2 crazy hell-like days for me! Monday was so busy with work...out the door by 8:30 am to meet with another rep and then inserviced from 1 to 3 pm. Upon getting home I found out Nikki and Ruthie had a dog fight in the back yard and mom could hardly get them apart. Nikki has scratches and a couple puncher wounds around her eyes. Ruthie has 3 puncher wounds in her back leg and wasn't walking on it until this morning. Poor Ruthie. Anyway, we have the best Vet. They know what we're going through and when he called me back and talked about it he wanted to start antibiotics right he put them out in there mailbox for me to pick up. Kevin came over to sit with Dave and we got them started last night. Both dogs are much better this morning. Wow! We are lucky. We sat out with Kevin for awhile and then came in for dinner and Dancing with the Stars! About 8:30 I got a text message about an inservice and it made me think...should I check the date again? I had it in my calendar on Wednesday and it was really Tuesday. Oh no! Quick call to mom and the Kings, need extra coverage. Dang, I shouldn't have had those beers.
Back up this am to be out the door at 8:30 and home after 5:30. So glad the day is over. Edd stopped by to visit with Tim, Lindsey and Dave this afternoon. Catherine and Joni stayed with him this afternoon while my mom got some things moved. Dave's napping before dinner and (guess what?) Dancing with the Stars results.

Tomorrow is another day......peace, love, groove


  1. Told ya before...don't feel guilty for focusing on yourself at times. Pamper youself, even! A long hot bubble bath with candles and wine...when was the last time you did that? I know your mom would happily oblige!
    Sorry for the hellish 2 days, and glad they're behind you.

  2. Pamper youself? Whatever... :)

  3. Sounds like those beers were just what the doctor ordered. Take any stress relief you can get!
