Link to Dave Maki Musical Tribute Saturday October 16, 2010 8 to 10 pm is closed


Thursday, April 28, 2011

PLG gift

YaYa Sue made this glass plaque for me. PLG, peace sign, keyboard and campfire. It's just perfect.

peace, love, groove

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Birds do it, let's fall in love...

Looking out the dining room window, we can watch the new bird couple in their new house. This afternoon...they were "mating" on top of their house. Not sure if it was successful, it was very short and brief... oh I could get in a lot of trouble here...we'll see if there's a baby bird on the way. I really like the new neighbors. They sing a little, but otherwise they are very quiet.

peace, love, groove

The House- new neighbors

Pictures: Kris and Paul watching the driveway work; almost done with the driveway prep; getting a good started- about 10:00am; Mrs. Bird and her new home.

At first this appears to be about the new driveway. It has been quite a week around here. It started with the windows and then, yesterday, they prepped the driveway. The dogs haven't been able to get outside much....they will be so glad when this is done. The "driveway guys" got here at 7:30 yesterday am and left after 8 pm. Ruthie and I went over to the neighbors and watched them work for a while early evening. All the rain we've had is making cement work hard, they had to cancel work on Friday. When the fence came down, since the driveway will go up right next to it, I thought "what did I get us into?" The neighbors helped me put up some temporary fencing so the dogs can go outside (but not alone since they could get out). It will all be good when it's done. Now we have to hope for a change in the weather. Monday through Wednesday = rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain....

Now to the real subject, the bird house. A bird couple has moved in. They are NOT bluebirds. I think they are field sparrows. My mom watched them building their nest all last week. Well, although that's not really who I got the bird house for, it's fun to watch them closer up. They weren't bothered by all of the noise and equipment yesterday. What kinda house warming gift should I get them?

peace, love, groove

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sharing PLG

It isn't often I share stories of patients. Today I had an experience that won't break HIPPA (link for those of you who haven't heard of that before) and was so random... it kinda took my breath away and I admit I cried a little bit when it was over. Here's how it went:

I was walking down a hospital hallway not far from the CCU and an older man was standing there. I made eye contact and said good morning...he said good morning back.
I said how are you.
He looked like he wanted to talk....he said "have you ever been at a crossroads in your life"
yes I have
" I am right now, my wife wants to quit, she wants me to pull the vent"
that must be hard
"She's asking me to stop it, she's in a lot of pain"
maybe it's okay to stop, sometimes it is time
"I can't do that"
do you have someone here to support you
"my sister just left and my son is on his way"
good, I have kind of a challenge for you to think about
What does your wife love, what is the most important thing in her life? Talk about that, surround her with that
"that's a really good idea, I never thought of that"
Focus on her and that and what will be will be
"thank you"
I have paraphrased here and there. There was a little more we said....BUT it felt so good to let him know how I kept things in perspective. To offer another way to think of it. He is not ready to hear that his wife may die. I don't think that matters. I think feeling better about his time with her will lead to a better or death isn't always what it's about, it's quality and celebration. Well, that's my view. I don't know if I'll ever see that man again. I hope his family will celebrate.

peace, love, groove

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Got a link

Here's the link to iTunes and Dave.

Dave's on iTunes!

Tim agreed to help me get Dave's version of Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas on iTunes a little before Christmas. We knew it wouldn't get on by the holiday and never received any confirmation. Tim looked today and it's on there. So, I'll remind you closer to the holidays and/or you may have been sent a copy by Dave or me in the past....but, consider buying it. I'm giving any profit to the Humane Society of Southwestern Michigan.

I can't put up a link...that I can figure out, so just go to iTunes and search for Dave Maki! Enjoy.

peace, love, groove

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Here's the back back yard

Pictures: last years view... even without leaves you couldn't see much; now it's all opened up so the electric company can get to the pole past the garage.

So it's out. The electric company has had tree trimmers around the last few weeks and they totally wiped out the brush and trees that provided shelter for the birds and a lot of privacy at the back of our property. The plan is to put up a couple lengths of fence....4 or 6 feet, to break up the view at least until things start to grow back in. We've never been able to see the neighbors garage the whole time we've lived here. No trees making beer, just no trees at all.

peace, love, groove

More Pictures

I've been working on scanning pictures- Dave's from before we started dating and some high school/Spectrum pictures from Kay Stickney-Dine. I'll start putting them in a folder available at the bottom of the blog.

Rain, cold and snow....yes I said snow, kept us from working on the secret project yesterday afternoon. Well, it's really not a secret or surprise, it's just a change. I'll put some pre-pictures up this afternoon and you'll understand. Last night I went to dinner with the Lesters and the Schimans and then we went to see the Ed Bagatini Swing Orchestra at The Box Factory. Dave didn't play often with Ed, but he did fill in now and then. It was a couple hours of really good jazz.

Tomorrow afternoon the new windows start going in. It's going to take 2 1/2 days I've been told. I plan to stop by through the day but mom will be here with the dogs. Then I decided on a driveway- cement won and that will start later in the week. No more stones all over the yard......YEAH!

peace, love, groove

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

PLG girls

Soooo a group of us have been doing Team Trivia night at The Livery every couple weeks...tonight is our third time....we came in 3rd place and there were more then 3 teams! How fun. Loni, Joni, Lisa, Elisa, Kay, Catherine T and me. Great time! We'll be back there in 2 weeks.

New windows next week and pictures of the back yard mystery to come soon.

peace, love, groove

Sunday, April 10, 2011

6 months and catch-up

Pictures: Ev and me; Phil and his camera; Kris and Mark.

Wow! What a week. I'll now confess I was very busy preparing for a performance with one of Tim King's bands, Friends Jazz Trio. They needed a vocalist for a "prohibition themed" fund raiser the LMC Hospitality program puts on yearly. This was a first for me in a number of years. Something Dave and I talked about doing, never got to it. Boy, I could have used some arrangements from him. We got it together with Tim's help. It was pretty laid back and great fun. Thanks again Tim for thinking of me and giving me the chance. I really hope to do it again.

So, that all took a bit of my time up last week. I also took my old laptop to the Humane Society and updated programs on both (also gave them Dave's old laptop) for them. Last night Tim and Joni came over and we had the first campfire in the back back yard this spring. Lots of work back there for me to start on today. I'll explain later.

Catch-up done- the singing thing and Kris', Dave's sister, b-day lunch (pictures above). Today marks 6 months since Dave's death. I can't believe it's been that long. You're still my favorite person in the whole world Dave.

peace, love, groove