Link to Dave Maki Musical Tribute Saturday October 16, 2010 8 to 10 pm is closed


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Restful Sunday evening

We had very little rain this weekend, if you're wondering. Tim and Joni came over today and helped me make a new gate for the side yard. Of course, Tim really made it. Joni was his gal Friday. I got a lot done in the yard and house the last couple days. That always feels good. I sat down with my computer at about 8 pm, watched the Tony Awards and looked through pictures from last fall. Apple computers (and maybe others) can identify faces on pictures which can make it easier to sort. I fell way behind and started working on catching up the last couple weeks. Wow- looking at pictures starting from last July is kinda emotional. The journey we ALL have been on.....

Dave still rested a lot yesterday and today. He came outside to watch some of the gate building. Then it was time for another nap. Around 5:30 I went to get pizza and Dave soup from Santaniello's. I was surprised to see Dave waiting out by the back door when I got back. Said he was worried 'cuz I seemed to be gone a long time. Well....I did go get gas, pop and milk too. Glad he had the gumption to get outside for a second time today. Two more days of radiation to his lung.


  1. Hope all is well for you dave. Will be in town for Father's day as I have a gig Saturday.If you feel up to it we will swing by.

  2. Wow, that's this weekend. I think you should stop by, just call or let us know when. We're at the concert downtown BH Saturday...not sure how long we'll stay. :)

  3. Hi Lee
    Let's shoot for Sunday afternoon. I will call.
