Link to Dave Maki Musical Tribute Saturday October 16, 2010 8 to 10 pm is closed


Monday, May 17, 2010


We met with the Radiology Oncologist this morning. He said Dave will get radiation for a couple weeks and then have a break for a repeat. Sounds like a recipe. He feels there will be no problem opening the bronchi, has had good results with worse situations. He also said it should remain open for a while....good news! The bad part is because the esophagus is in the radiation field, he will have more problems swallowing. So I'm working on a new plan for nutrition. Thinking it will include small meals (or shakes) every 2 to 3 hours...on the clock, no matter what. I guess I'll let him sleep at night. Gotta build him up for more camp fires.

We're waiting for the hospitalist and hopefully dc home today. I'll update later.


  1. Great news & more campfires. There is baby food too, not just for kids anymore.

  2. Scandishake mixes (google this one), Milkshakes made with Ensure and icecream, Xyloxylin suspension (compounded at Pharmacy)to alleviate sore esophagus symptoms prior to meals, lotsa pudding, jello, and popsicles! That's my list of sore esophagus ideas!

  3. You're right food. Thanks Phyllis- popsicles are a great addition. I appreciate all the suggestions!!!
