Link to Dave Maki Musical Tribute Saturday October 16, 2010 8 to 10 pm is closed


Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Well, we gave it our best try. About 9:00 I went to wake Dave up, for his meds and he felt hot. Temperature time.....101 degrees. Trip to the ER..... WBCs down from this am, 1.5 to 1.1. MD says 2 choices= admit here and see infectious disease in the am or Vancomycin and cefoxitin (or something like that) here and go home to continue at home. Sadly, no NY,NY. We decided we should go home. Dave's okay with it. I'm disappointed for him, but they'll be another time for Chick. Hope to get a few hours sleep.


  1. At least you knew when to call it in. Better to be safe than sorry. Glad you are safe. So fires this weekend?

  2. Yep, we roll with the punches around here.

  3. Dave & Lee, so sorry you had to cancel your NY trip. I will be in SJ this weekend and would sure like to come by for at visit Sat eve.


  4. How about this for a rain Date?


  5. Oh man... So sorry. But I DO like John's idea...

  6. Hi Terry- it looks like Dave may get out of the hospital on or by Saturday. Would love to see you. My mom is staying at our house if I'm here, so you can call there to find out.
