Link to Dave Maki Musical Tribute Saturday October 16, 2010 8 to 10 pm is closed


Monday, May 17, 2010

Not home today- but dogs visit

Pictures: Julie, Ruthie and Dave; Audrey, Julie, Ruthie and Dave + the IV.

Feeling better after the radiation consult. First radiation is tomorrow morning. Dave's platelets were down to about 33,000 this morning, so he did get 1 unit of platelets today. WBC 5.4, so off of the Neupogen and antibiotics. Best news of all- Dave's pre-albumin is up to 11. The dietitian added some protein powder and Carnation Breakfast to his diet. We need to be aggressive because of the esophagus issues coming with radiation. Plan is to let him free tomorrow. I thought a trip outside and visit with some of the dogs would be good for him, MD agreed. About 2 pm Lindsey and Julie came over and got Dave outside. I waited with Audrey and Ruthie by the front of the hospital. At first the dogs were scared, but then so happy to see him. Not the best day outside, fairly warm but windy and overcast. We stayed out for about 20 minutes, then Lindsey and Julie got Dave back to his room and I took the puppies home. Van S, Loni, Phil, Catherine T., Catherine S. and Dianne I. came by for short visits. 5 pm Dave went down for his repeat brain MRI that was due this week. They'll see if he needs targeted radiation to any areas.

Well, it's 8:30 pm... I watching Dancing with the Stars and Dave's taking a snooze. My job is supporting me being off this week. I'm hoping it's our last night here. I'm ready to be home too. Thanks for all the support!