Link to Dave Maki Musical Tribute Saturday October 16, 2010 8 to 10 pm is closed


Monday, April 5, 2010


I think Dave and I could have slept until noon today. He went to radiation about 10:00 am. Appointment with the radiation oncologist tomorrow. Only 3 more days. He's still very tired. Food tastes dry to him. He's still burping and hiccuping a lot. He's lost some weight, not really eating as well as he has been. And he's having issues with constipation (usually don't mention those things, but it went with today's title so well).

First appointment at new oncology clinic was this morning too. Dave saw some family friends when walking in. They are encouraging. The new MD is very friendly. He asked Dave how is was holding up with all of this and if he was tired of it. He wants Dave to finish radiation, try to hang in there with the steroids and we have an appointment in 2 weeks to discuss treatment option ( 1 is a pill).

Dave slept most of the afternoon. The neighbor, Kevin, just planted the rest of the grass in the back. I think I'll get Dave to sit out in the sun before the next rain starts.