Link to Dave Maki Musical Tribute Saturday October 16, 2010 8 to 10 pm is closed


Monday, April 19, 2010

The New Plan is almost in place

Went to the oncologist this afternoon. He agreed that Dave responded very well to Taxol and Carboplatin. So we're going to try 2 more rounds and then switch drugs. He wanted to start this week since it's been awhile since the last doses of T/C. We talked about the trip to New York, New York and they agreed...we need to go. So we'll do a second dose of T/C in 4 weeks (the week after NY, NY) and then get a CT Scan. We'll now be going to the transfusion clinic for chemo...we know the nurses and staff, so that's okay. It feels good to know the next step. Dave told the MD my nickname for him is CW and he's ready for whatever they have! He smiled.

Dave bought a cane today. He walks faster and feels more confident. The steroid dose will wean a little slower with the chemo this week. He should be off by next Wednesday instead of Sunday. They told us he'll still have weak muscles for awhile. And the cane will go well with Dave's pimp outfit for NY, NY (hee hee).


  1. Lee might be talking it up a bit. I just wand a nice jazzer hat and a more "pimpish" cane! Hope David Bartz can be there.

