Link to Dave Maki Musical Tribute Saturday October 16, 2010 8 to 10 pm is closed


Monday, December 28, 2009

Last Monday of the year

Dave had a clinic appointment today. Platelets are up to 63,00......YEAH! They still want Dave to get a Neumega every other day until it's a little higher. So shot today and Wednesday, then a CBC check on Thursday to see if he needs more. Hemoglobin is hanging at 9.4. No talk of blood transfusion today. I think they want to let him build it back up himself since the bad drugs are over. He can tell it's still low, pretty tired, but had enough energy today to clean the kitchen and make prime rib stew with the bones from X-mas day dinner. And it was good. All is good. :)


  1. Dave and Lee,
    Keep an eye out for the UPS truck tomorrow! Merry Belated Christmas! Dave, I'm sending "rich blood" vibes your way! Keep building up your strength and enjoying your break from Taxol and Carboplatin. :)

  2. Oh Phyllis, we got the package today. How way cool! You are so thoughtful. It's a special gift we'll get to see and use all year long. ooxx

  3. Phyllis, babe, you are the most. We so much appreciate you and your family keeping us in your thoughts. Thanks for the special gift that will be used every day of the year. And what a great year it will be. The blood is behaving nicely now.....Feelin' Stronger Everyday!

