Link to Dave Maki Musical Tribute Saturday October 16, 2010 8 to 10 pm is closed


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Off to North Carolina

I'm leaving tomorrow am for a WOCN committee meeting in Durham. Reminds me of the song "leaving on a jet plane" but I know I'll be back Sunday afternoon. I don't love to fly. My mom is coming to stay with the dogs and cat. I've never been there and have a niece and some friends that live near. Hope to take lots of pictures and have some fun between our day long meetings. I started a will (just in case). If I forgot you and you want something, just let my mom or Phil know. Isn't that kinda funny? Dave and I never made wills. Now that it's just me I want to make sure the dogs and cat are taken care of. I decided I'd like a small ceremony by the niche with live music when I die. And it would be cool if friends and family wanted to have a fund raiser for the humane society in my name.

I'm still trying to sell my old spinet piano. It was a gift to me when I moved to St Joe in 1973 or so. Dave thought we should take the sound board (is that the correct term?) out and hang it on the wall as art. I don't think my walls would hold it....anyone interested if I don't sell it? Maybe I can find an artist.

I have to finish packing. Thanks to all who follow. It's comforting to know you are all out there.

peace, love, groove


  1. I hear ya...well not a will per se, but Jeff and I both need to quit procrastinating and get our advance directives done.

    Safe travels! :)

  2. We all need to do's part of my vision for PLG. If you don't write it down, tell a lot of people what you want. It really should be written down (as you know). We are all going to die... when that happens it should be what we want. love you Mimi!

  3. I have one too, Kevin Brown told us he wanted as New Orleans style one and two years later I was playing at it watching the Big Band follow the casket out. I have so many friends on the other side now that I am almost looking forward to it.

  4. Advance directives are a shade different from laying down how you want your funeral/celebration of life to be. They are about what types of medical interventions you want/don't want should you become incapacitated and unable to make your wishes known. Shit can happen in the blink of an eye. You could be in a car wreck on your way home from work. Do you want to be intubated? If you would die without these heroic measures, do you want them?
    Hey John...sorry for all your losses...

  5. That’s a good point Mimi, my dad has that & you would need to be educated a little bit to know how the medical procedures add up. Also, the future proofing and updating of the document as medical technology changes. Have to look into this one, thanks. P.S. 6 people gone in two-years, yikes!

  6. You've given me something to think about and discuss with my children.

  7. Just google 'advance directives'. You can download the forms for the state you live in. Have them notarized, if necessary, then give copies to your doctor, attorney if you have one, your local hospital and your family.

    And no, I still haven't done mine. And I'm a nurse and should know better, right? For shame!! I will start tomorrow for sure...:)
