Link to Dave Maki Musical Tribute Saturday October 16, 2010 8 to 10 pm is closed


Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Dave had his clinic appointment today. I wasn't there but got reports from Dave (CW) and Joni (CB). Dave's labs are all back to normal. CT scan had little change(this is still good). Dave is wheezing a little more. O2 levels were okay, he got a nebulizer treatment there and gets a chest x-ray next week. He has an itchy rash on one leg (kinda where petechaie was) and we'll put Benedryl cream on that. His appointment was at 10:30 and he was home about 2 pm. Joni was the perfect "chemo buddy" today and got Dave lunch from Panera on top of taking him there and home. Last chemo Dave got, he threw up that night (that's when I used the word emesis) so he's starting Zofran for nausea tonight.

We're warming up left overs and I'm making a iceberg lettuce wedge, which Dave said he'd eat (I know there's less dietary value, but it's soooooo good). Probably watch TV. Thankful for another dose of CP- 751,871 (#9) and glad Dave's feeling stronger.


  1. Thanks for the update. No change on a CT scan is a 'win' in my world! Keep up the fight!

  2. Thank you Phyllis. Glad you had a good trip.
