Pictures: Byran Lubeck "Coats for Kids" fundraiser in Merrillville with the "Praise Team" singers; Dave made it through the day; Dave playing keyboards and Rick on bass; Dave and Ruthie pretending to nap; Nikki and Dave trying to nap.
Sunday was a long day. We left about 1:30 pm and got home at 10:45 pm. Dave made it through practice and the performance with only 1 complaint of some dizziness. We were very tired when we got home. This morning it was hard to talk Dave into getting up a little after 8 am, but there's his Neumega shot to get and then the blood transfusion. About 9 we got a call from the infusion clinic to come as soon as possible. Even though they saved his 2 units from Friday, he would have to have a type and cross check again before he could get them. Got dressed quick, in the car to the oncology clinic.... got there about 9:30. Dave thought donuts sounded good so I went to get some while he got his shot... of course I had to get a dozen ... extras for the infusion clinic staff. Got him in his infusion clinic chair about 10:15. I went to Holland while he rested and got 1 unit of Alison's blood and the second from an anonymous donor. Dave got done at 5pm and then we went to North Shore Inn for hamburgers since Dave had dreamt about them 2 of the last 3 nights. They were as good as his dreams. Glad to be home to rest now. Tomorrow MRI at 8 am, ENT appt late afternoon. The joys of follow up.
Wow. What a journey you guys are on. So much to do, so much to go through. And yeah, those North Shore Inn burgers are great! One of those many simple pleasures so easy for the rest of us to take for granted....but not anymore, thanks to you!