Thursday, December 31, 2009
6 hours left
Good day! Dave's hemoglobin is staying right at 9.3, WBCs are up "a little" and platelets are up to 123,00! No more Neumega for now. And no clinic visits until next Wednesday to get lab work. Dave's making dinner and we'll watch some movies. Decided to stay home tonight. Watch for a special New Year's Day greeting tomorrow. 2010 is coming!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
2010 around the corner
Today Dave got his Neumega shot and made some wonderful chicken noodle soup. He is still pretty tired. Tomorrow CBC in the morning and we'll find out if he has to keep up the Neumega over the weekend. And it's snowy and icy out there....but baby it's warm inside!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Last Monday of the year
Dave had a clinic appointment today. Platelets are up to 63,00......YEAH! They still want Dave to get a Neumega every other day until it's a little higher. So shot today and Wednesday, then a CBC check on Thursday to see if he needs more. Hemoglobin is hanging at 9.4. No talk of blood transfusion today. I think they want to let him build it back up himself since the bad drugs are over. He can tell it's still low, pretty tired, but had enough energy today to clean the kitchen and make prime rib stew with the bones from X-mas day dinner. And it was good. All is good. :)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Whew- X-mas celebrations almost over
Not that I don't love Christmas time, I do.... but it's been an extra busy year. Have 3 small parties left this week. This week: Thursday was "Maki +" christmas at Ev Maki's, Friday we made dinner at home (fearturing crown roast and mashed potatoes) and had the "moms" over, Saturday we went to Avatar (thought it was great, liked the 3-D) and then Czars to see "Hello Dave". Today we went to South Bend for the 2nd Maki party with Dave's sister Kris. Whew!
Dave had shots Thursday and Saturday, labwork Thursday and today. MD appt tomorrow to see how soon we can stop the Neumega. I'm wondering if his hemoglobin is picking up yet. He still feels tired and a little more Short of Breath. They checked is O2 saturation Thursday and it was 93% walking, 98% at rest. Hasn't needed the set doses of Zofran 2x/day with just the study drug, still there's been some nausea and prn meds. Appetite seems to be on and off.
Hope everyone had a great Christmas and a wonderful weekend.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
But it feels like TGIF
Really, I kept thinking it was Friday all day. We were ready to stay home and make lasagna (well really Phil made it) and then Dave said... "I have a hankerin' for a burger" Couldn't find anyplace open and then I thought about the Chatterbox. They were that's the place. Dave ordered a "pound burger" and pretty much finished it. Great place. Now on to finish wrapping gifts.......
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
12/22- an amazing day for all (results and a party) YEAH CP-751,871.
Well, the day is here....finally. Went to the clinic at 10:30 am but didn't get to see anyone until close to noon (they were busy today). The good thing is when you have time with the NP/PA and MD, it is all your time. At first we didn't think Dave would get the study drug because his platelets had only gone up to 33,000 (normally they like it at 75,000 for chemo). And Dave's Magnesium is low, so time to replace that. But we're getting ahead of ourselves if we don't talk about the results. Here it goes:
Liver mass and abdominal wall mass- both were quite small and are gone, dead.
Adrenal gland mass- less than 1/3 of the size, no action on the PET scan. Probably dead and Dave just has a nodule on his adrenal gland. Will watch.
Kidney masses- appear to be gone, were pretty small.
Rt lung mass- much smaller and minimal activity on the PET scan.
Left lung mass- the original mass. Has been gone on CAT scans x 3. PET scan shows some continued activity which is a concern for the MD. He feels it's important to continue the study drug and kill as much as possible so Dave can have some real remission.
Because of the continued activity in the left lung, the MD really wanted Dave to get the study drug today and continue every 3 weeks, even with a low platelet count. Although the study drug can affect platelets, its not as much as Taxol and Carboplatin. He's also getting a reduced dose starting the last cycle because of the low platelets and the hope would be as his platelets return to normal they can increase the dose.
So, chemo and magnesium starting at 2 pm. Dave was all done around 5 pm....still a full day. I have to mention the brain tumor. Since there are no symptoms of increasing size, the plan is to continue the study drug and look at a MRI of the brain in 1 to 2 months. Bottom line is Dave's masses have decreased 80% since the beginning of August. These are unusually good results for this type of lung cancer.
Whew- then between 5:30 and 6 we met family and some friends at Silver Beach Pizza and celebrated Dave's birthday and the results. It was great fun to see everyone and eat about 8 different kinds of pizza. Thanks to everyone who came by! Love to all.
Again, we so appreciate the positive thoughts, vibes and prayers coming our way. Merry Christmas to all... and to all a good night.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Quiet Sunday
Dave got his shot around noon and brought some Dunkin' Donuts home. He was inspired by some veggie soup Tom and Suzanne brought us last week and made his own. And then we had homemade egg salad sandwiches. I got most of the closet done.... YEAH! Clean sheets on the bed- final the flannels. We're ready for winter. Dave's bday tomorrow. 2 days to results. I won't get stuck on good or bad, just say what will be will be......
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Mister Edd rocks
Mister Edd played at the Box Factory tonight. Great music. Dave is really tired today and a little.... never mind. He's pretty sure he's getting Neumega daily and that really increased his fatigue the last time he had it that often. Not much on the schedule tomorrow. Although, I'm still working on the closet... a day of rest sounds good too. Monday is Dave's birthday. We'll go out to dinner I'm sure; he hasn't decided were yet. Well it's time to start saying "Merry Holidays to all".
Friday, December 18, 2009
Dave's still tired but went to get his shot and do a small bit of grocery shopping. I'm determined to finally get the summer clothes put away and the winter clothes out this weekend. Mister Edd tomorrow night. Dave's birthday is Monday. Seems like a quiet day... and that's okay.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
And we'd like 2 units of platelets please
Phone call came at 8:15 am.... infusion clinic and 2 units of platelets at 11 am. Dave went alone this time. Only took 2 1/2 hours. Hopefully that's the last of the platelet tranfusions. Dave has to go in for daily shots tomorrow through Monday. He didn't get the name of the drug, so I don't know if its Neumega or if he's going to get Neupogen again. Sometimes it's surreal to think it's been 5 months since the diagnosis. Time flies when your....... well stressed, busy, lucky and thankful. Good night all.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Platelets falling again
Dave had a good day. Blood work and Neumega shot, then ENT appt. He's going to have a sleep study in January (yeah- I've been trying to get him to do this for a few years). Tonight was Mister Edd practice, preparing for performance Saturday night at the Box Factory. I went to a book club meeting (haven't been since June) and then met up with Dave at practice to come home. There was a message when we got home (10:45pm) that Dave's platelets are down to 12,000. He has fairly bad petechiae on his legs and does easily bleed. So, it's a pretty for sure he'll have a platelet transfusion tomorrow. We knew this would happen with this last cycle since it did the previous cycle, glad it's before the weekend.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Adding some pictures
Tim's birthday
So it's really Tim King's bday. He came over about 7:30 ish AM to pick Dave for his 8 am MRI. Dave had an Ativan before going 'cuz he didn't really like the last MRI he had. Luckily it just lasted about 20 minutes. Dave, Tim and Tom went to breakfast and then Dave went to South Bend to the music store with Tim. Dave had more energy today and felt pretty good (bloods kickin' in). We went to dinner with Tim, Joni, Suzanne and Tom. Mexican. Time to relax. Tomorrow is Neumega shot and ENT appt. It's 1 week to the results... keep the positive vibes comin'.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday gig and Monday blood day

Pictures: Byran Lubeck "Coats for Kids" fundraiser in Merrillville with the "Praise Team" singers; Dave made it through the day; Dave playing keyboards and Rick on bass; Dave and Ruthie pretending to nap; Nikki and Dave trying to nap.
Sunday was a long day. We left about 1:30 pm and got home at 10:45 pm. Dave made it through practice and the performance with only 1 complaint of some dizziness. We were very tired when we got home. This morning it was hard to talk Dave into getting up a little after 8 am, but there's his Neumega shot to get and then the blood transfusion. About 9 we got a call from the infusion clinic to come as soon as possible. Even though they saved his 2 units from Friday, he would have to have a type and cross check again before he could get them. Got dressed quick, in the car to the oncology clinic.... got there about 9:30. Dave thought donuts sounded good so I went to get some while he got his shot... of course I had to get a dozen ... extras for the infusion clinic staff. Got him in his infusion clinic chair about 10:15. I went to Holland while he rested and got 1 unit of Alison's blood and the second from an anonymous donor. Dave got done at 5pm and then we went to North Shore Inn for hamburgers since Dave had dreamt about them 2 of the last 3 nights. They were as good as his dreams. Glad to be home to rest now. Tomorrow MRI at 8 am, ENT appt late afternoon. The joys of follow up.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Day of rest... sorta
Dave got anther Neumega shot today and he made pancake breakfast. Always feels good when Dave's up to cooking. Liz dropped off some homemade soup and we went to dinner with Tim and Joni and Suzanne and Tom. We were suppose to be celebrating Tim's birthday (which is Tuesday) and I read the email wrong... thinking it was Tom's birthday. So we show up with a Bday card and rum bottle for Tom and it was suppose to be for Tim..... wait I'm still confused. Oh well, can I use the Chemo brain, radiation exposure excuse?
Tomorrow will be a 9 to 10 hour day in Merriville. I'll have pictures to post in the next couple days. Then Monday is blood transfusion day. Tuesday Dave gets his favorite (not)... MRI.
I feel like I should let everyone know how humbled we are by your support, prayers and positive thoughts. You help make the fight worth it and the burden feel lighter. Thanks.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Went for blood... and broken hearted
Got to Dave's PET scan a little late, but he got it done. Now he's "radioactive". So we walk into the transfusion clinic ready to start blood and were told it's a radiation hazard to have him there today. So blood transfusion is moved to Monday. I think Dave should get rest today and tomorrow so he can keep up on Sunday. What are you gonna do, complain? We'll go with the flow. Movies, rest and movies now on the schedule for the remainder of the day. :)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Snowed in...almost
I didn't get on the road this morning. Over 300 schools etc. are closed up to and around GR. Just doesn't make sense to drive with poor visiblity. I did get a lot done at home, then took Dave to get lab and shot so he didn't have to walk outside. Good news is: he saw the MD and NP and they had seen the first CT scan results sharing with Dave they are excellant. Hgb is down to 8.4. He could wait for blood but Sunday's a big day. So now we have to go get Type and Cross (he has a unit on hold from his sister Al) for 2 units. Tomorrow PET scan at 11 am, then he'll go to get the blood and will be there probably until 6 or 7 pm. At least it will be done. I'm just going to take the day off and be with him.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
A day of rest
Dave was home for the day. No appointments, no shots...just rest. Then there's the snow storm. It was so windy this afternoon and the roads were slushy. Now the temperature is dropping, it's snowing and the roads are starting to ice. Ah, winter is here. And we started the morning with the furnace not working. Thankfully Dave got a hold of someone who came while I was at work and everything was back in order in less than 3 hours. Good thing we have electric heaters in the bedroom and bathroom too!
Some foods are hard for Dave to eat. He's been requesting a lot of soup the last couple weeks. Tonight he was going to make Mac and Cheese and I said "why make it when Panera Bread does it for us". Of course that meant I had to go out in this weather, but anything for my sweetie. Even got him to eat a little salad.
Tomorrow's lab day and I'm suppose to go to Grand Rapids. Maybe the weather man will be all wrong and I'll get there.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The storm is coming
Dave got Neumega today and a CT scan. It's snowing and sleeting tonight and blowing snow tomorrow. Practice was cancelled tonight. Guess we'll have to watch TV. Not sure if I'll get out of town tomorrow. Thursday is lab and shot day for Dave and they're having a Christmas party at the clinic. Just hanging low and waiting for the upswing.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Starting another week
Dave's BP has been okay today. He's had a little more nausea, pretty normal first week post chemo. CT scan tomorrow with those amazing prep drinks tonight and in the morning. Practice in Merriville tomorrow. We're suppose to get a bad storm, so we'll see. I'm sure I'll go along. I thought I'd post cookie party pictures for those who have ask. They'll be at the bottom of the page by the benefit pictures.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
This Weekend
Saturday Dave rested while my mom and I continued to prepare for the cookie party. We both have colds, no temps or body aches though. He doesn't have as good an appetite as he's had, but did request soup from Panera bread... so we got it to go. Dave had his Neulasta shot earlier today and has had some nausea. While with "the boys" this evening, he had another episode of low BP. He seems fine now. Tonight was the cookie party. Great fun, great friends, great cookies. Now it's bedtime for both of us. Nite-nite.
Friday, December 4, 2009
The Graduate
Dave's rested a lot today. We had to be at the hospital for a heart echo at 8:45 am, home by 9:30. Dave made breakfast. There was a foot of snow in GR today and icy roads in the AM so I worked at home. Dave went to get 2 shots at 4:30, ordered Chinese delivery and is now watching TV in bed. I'm preparing for the cookie party Sunday with my faithful assistant, my mom.
Forgot to mention that Dave got a Purple Heart certificate for finishing his main chemo yesterday... BONUS. We'll be getting that one framed. Next clinic appt is Dec 22nd and we'll get results of all the tests.
The glow continues.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Celebration! Chemo is a go!

Pictures: Dave in the chemo room with his water and coffee- ready to go; Dave and Lee start the celebration; Dave- our funny boy; the last time for Taxol.
I woke up thinking this is the day, cycle 6 is going to happen. Dave's platelets were up to 73,000. The protocol at the Oncology clinic is 75,000 or greater. Since this was Dave's last full cycle, they said yes and I almost started crying. What a weight that's been lifted off of me and Dave. We had hats, noise makers, sparkling juice (3 bottles from Joni and Loni). Tim and Tom joined Dave and Joni for lunch and then they watched Monty Python. Also got Bits of Swiss rolls for the clinic nurses. Loni and Julie stopped by. What a great day. Oh, and Dave tolerated chemo well.
Now the test fun begins again. Heart Echo tomorrow morning; CT scans, PET scans and MRIs in the next 2 weeks. Results on Dec 22nd. Then the plan is for CP-751,871 every 3 weeks for 6 more doses. Dave is my hero. And to everyone who pushed us through... thanks.
Thursday- 6 am?
Can't sleep anymore.......what? Dave won't be up until 7:30. Thanks to all for positive thoughts and prayers. More later.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Wednesday- 1 day to chemo
Today Dave got Neumega and Neupogen shots, plus fasting lab work. He's pretty dang tired and rested most of the day. Dave cancelled practice with Mister Edd tonight to rest more. That's only the second thing he's missed since July. Since it's hard to predict what will happen tomorrow morning, I'll end saying..... we're ready whatever happens. :)
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Tuesday - 2 days to chemo
Dave had to get "stat" blood work today, they really wanted it yesterday. Of course, he continues to get the Neumega shots daily. His platelets are a little above 60,000, we have to get to 75,000 for chemo (I'm pretty sure). Dave's WBCs were low today and he had to go back in for Neupogen. So the chemo is doing what it's suppose to and Dave's body is trying hard to keep up. I'm hoping for chemo Thursday.... but getting it safely when it works is best. :)
Dave's craving today was for soup and grilled cheese. He got it! I think we'll have a peaceful night watching TV in bed.....keeping positive thoughts. Reminds me of "while visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads."
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