It started last night around 11:30 and lasted until 12:30. Ruthie was barking on and off and going up to the windows very upset. I tried yelling at her....I got up once and found nothing. Then the last time I got up there were two black cats sitting outside the living room window by the tree. Just sitting there, undisturbed by the dog barking. Didn't even care when I knocked on the window. Finally, one at a time, they went away. I've never seen them around before. Then this morning I was overwhelmed by the number of birds in the yard. All kinds too! It sort of felt like they were talking to me at times. I filled the back bird feeders and the heated bird bath. About 10:30 I went to let Audrey in and there was a deer on the other side of the fence staring at me. I walked closer talking the whole time....telling her not to run. She just looked at me. Then I noticed another deer was in the fenced in very back part of our yard. I slowly walked to get my camera. When I got back there were three deer all on the other side of the fence. I couldn't get a picture of all of them together. I think one was a young buck...not sure. They seemed to be very interested in me. They are so beautiful. Can't remember the last time I saw so many animals in the yard in the winter.
peace, love, groove.
That is awesome...someone is watching over you! (I wonder who....)
ReplyDeleteI know who, too! ;)
ReplyDeleteIs there any Bells lying around?
ReplyDeleteButterflies and Rainbows:
Symbolic ADCs
Many people reported receiving a sign which affirmed that their deceased family member or friend had survived physical death and continues to live in another dimension of existence. We call these symbolic ADCs or ADC signs. They are a relatively common type of after-death communication.
Some people are sent a sign spontaneously as a gift, while others ask or pray to receive one. Depending on their belief system, they may ask their deceased loved one to give them a sign, or they may pray to God or the “universe” for one.
Typical symbolic ADCs include butterflies, rainbows, flowers, many different species of birds and other animals, and any number of inanimate objects. Whether a sign comes immediately or takes days or weeks to arrive, most people intuitively recognize their sign right away and feel it was intended just for them.
ADC signs provide much hope to those who are grieving deeply, especially bereaved parents and the widowed. But because they are a symbolic form of communication, the receiver must interpret his or her own experience and assign personal meaning to it.
Dave definitely affirmed to me that he still exists, somewhere...and it was of the "spontaneous gift" type. No butterflies, rainbows or animals, just a very strong sense of his presence. Just as real as if he were standing right there. I was not seeking it--it was a total surprise. And I was forever altered by it.
ReplyDeleteBut I believe he continues to make his presence known to Lee, in the form of those ADC signs. And perhaps in other ways she chooses not to share:)
All those animals in the
As a nurse who has experienced the deaths of several patients...I can attest to the existence of the spirit. When someone dies, you literally feel that they have left the room, even as their physical body remains right in front of you in the bed.
ReplyDeleteConversely, when they bless you with a visit, you feel their presence as if they were alive.
The spirit lives on. Dave showed me that this is a fact. Not just a belief of a grieving person, but a fact.
Thanks for the comments.....I so feel Dave in my heart everyday. I miss him, but my heart is full. It's not broken and I thank him every night for that. I love him still and forever. No regrets and I do believe he is in touch.