Pictures: Noah and Nanny-Boy with the "dog"; Dave drinking a peach smoothie x2; Nanny-boy and the dog; Dave and Nanny-boy on the deck.
Last busy work day on the road. Boy, I was way tired when I got home. I found a fountain for the front yard...and the birds. Mom and I put it together when I got home. Okay, I'll come clean. I tripped and fell in the parking lot at Lowe's. Went down on my knee and quickly decide to turn for my hip to hit the ground instead of my hands and maybe face. Before I knew it I was on my back laughing with my legs up in the air. A nice young man was helping me take the new fountain to my car and helped me up. I said "that was fun, should we do it again?".
After checking the garden it was time for a nap with Dave. Dave asked at radiation today about the nausea and trouble eating and they told him it was normal for the radiation he's getting, which made him feel better. Joni made him a peach smoothie with secret ingredients, Tim dropped it by and I talked him into enjoying it on the deck. While the dogs where in the back yard, Nancy-boy was scratching at the front door so I got his collar and let him come out with us. Then Noah, Kris and Kevin came over to visit with the kitty. Tonight Dave had some brownie and yogurt for din-din. Step at a time... better every day.
I can't wait for Friday...it's been a long week. I think my day with my VP went well, still it was a little stressful. I've been out of the door between 7 and 8 am all week. I'm trying to decide about stain for the deck. The weather men are saying chance of rain.... hopeful for clear weather to stain and have a camp fire this weekend. Will keep watching. :)
I have a gig tonight but the rest of the weekend off. If you have a fire I will come down for that!
ReplyDeleteWe'll let you know..it's suppose to rain a lot of the weekend.