What a beautiful evening, there's a heat wave in the Midwest! We had a fire and cooked steak and baked potatoes- great dinner. Of course it's dark around 6 pm. Dave got a great new hat (handmade) from our neighbors, Bela and Jean. It's very soft for his head and warm. He's getting a nice little collection of hats.
Dave is doing pretty good post-chemo. He had a lot of errands Friday which included a couple shots at the oncology clinic and the almost weekly stop to the pharmacy. He did have some issues with heart burn later in the evening and told me this morning he had to throw up. One of the first that wasn't just dry heaves. This morning he's better (but still in bed). He is suppose to continue pushing fluids today per the new study directions. If the vomiting were to continue and he couldn't keep fluids down- call to the clinic. I think we're over the hump.
Playing Aja? OMG... What a treat. I'm just thinking back, and we've all been pretty blessed with some amazing music in our lives. Both hearing and playing. I think Vonnegut had it right: "Music is, to me, proof of the existence of God. It is so extraordinarily full of magic, and in tough times of my life I can listen to music and it makes such a difference". ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Vonnegut )