I told a friend this story and thought it was pretty dang cute. So I saw Audrey 3 days in a row hanging out by the old Mercy hospital in Benton Harbor. I was a homecare nurse and had a rule that I had to see a dog 3 times before I'd bring it home. We had our first dog, Sadie, at home. Sadie was a Human Society puppy. So Beckie and I "trapped" Audrey and got her in my van and I brought her home. She was so dirty because she'd been hanging out under a car. So I left her by the back door (inside) and yelled up to Dave who was upstairs in his studio..."Dave I have someone here to meet you, come on down". His answer was "Lee, I'm in my underwear..." My reply... "Dave, it doesn't matter. " Audrey was so scared she didn't sleep for more than 5 minutes at a time, she was a different dog in a couple months.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Audrey's first day in the Maki house
I told a friend this story and thought it was pretty dang cute. So I saw Audrey 3 days in a row hanging out by the old Mercy hospital in Benton Harbor. I was a homecare nurse and had a rule that I had to see a dog 3 times before I'd bring it home. We had our first dog, Sadie, at home. Sadie was a Human Society puppy. So Beckie and I "trapped" Audrey and got her in my van and I brought her home. She was so dirty because she'd been hanging out under a car. So I left her by the back door (inside) and yelled up to Dave who was upstairs in his studio..."Dave I have someone here to meet you, come on down". His answer was "Lee, I'm in my underwear..." My reply... "Dave, it doesn't matter. " Audrey was so scared she didn't sleep for more than 5 minutes at a time, she was a different dog in a couple months.
It Should be said here too.....
Monday, August 29, 2011
I haven't posted for how many days???.........
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Dave, not David
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
"Overture to St Joseph"
“Overture to St. Joseph”
David K. Maki
In 1984, David Maki was selected by the City of St. Joseph to compose a piece in honor of the City’s sesquicentennial, its 150th birthday.
The name of the piece that David wrote is the “Overture to St. Joseph”. Before today, the piece has been played only one time by the St. Joseph Municipal Band in 1984 conducted by Mr. John E. N. Howard.
David Maki was a well-known local musician and sound recording engineer. His formal musical training was received at Western Michigan University, the University of Michigan and the Grove School of Music in Los Angeles. David began his musical career at the age of 6 and he continued to play a wide variety of musical styles until his death in October 2010 at the age of 52.
David’s wife LeeAnn, his many friends and family hope you enjoy “Overture to St. Joseph”.
Here's is the link to my best video: Overture to St. Joseph
peace, love, groove
Monday, August 15, 2011