Pictures: the bluebird house is up; dinner with most of the committee in North Carolina.
Tim and Joni helped a lot this week. First they came over Friday night and Joni and I put up the Bluebird house...I'm a little afraid to look inside...don't think anyone moved in yet. There have been a lot of birds stopping by, I need to learn all of their names. My favs are the cardinals and they come around often. And, I have to admit, we got the X-mas tree in the basement. Tim helped with some computer stuff. Then he came over Saturday and helped me replace the kitchen faucet and finished preparing the old laptops for new homes. I took 2 old printers and Dave's old laptop to the Humane Society. They said their computers are so old and slow and ready to die. Wish I had another one to give them. I'll stop by next week to make sure they got stuff set up.
The new faucet is soooooo great. A little change and I feel like being in the kitchen, so I made a chicken casserole this afternoon. Dave was always a good little marter, he always said the old faucet was okay and didn't need to be replaced.... he "could work with it". The new printer is finally set up for wireless printing and now there's still time to start scanning. First stuff from Dave's Tribute. I'm getting some of the list done and that feels great. Thanks for the continued support. I have to be patient with myself and that is the hardest thing of all (next to missing Dave).
peace, love, groove