Pictures: gravy time; plus turkey time; Mark; Ben learning gravy duty; Bob and Katie; Jean, Erik and Ev; Mark and Jennie; moving the ramp....x3; the Maki niche before the plaque; angel looking over Dave.
Okay, So the new update...sorry it's been a few days. Thanksgiving at the other Maki's was great. Good food and Ben Maki is learning gravy duty to take over for Dave. Thanks Ben...it's in good hands. Friday at 10am we went to Riverview Cemetery to see Dave's ashes put in the niche. Wow! Of course I had to touch the container several times. It was very low key. For lack of a better song, I sang the one that had been in my head for 2 day...... "Brand New Key" as I gave everyone a hug. Maki's, YaYa's and Mister Edd were represented. It was very cold and windy....but we made it through. Then we came over to our house for brunch and I got help moving the deck ramp and a couple other things. I went back to the cemetery on Saturday to make sure everything was back in place and took a couple pictures. The plaque should be here soon.
First day back at Lakeland today....lots of hugs and support. Thanks everyone! It was a good choice and I'm happy. Have to admit I had a few tears.....missing you Dave.
peace, love, groove.