Tomorrow is work for me. Dave has radiation and infusion. We see the oncologist Thursday again and talk about what's next I'm sure. Hope everyone had a great weekend! Also hope all the deck workers got a day of relaxation- Thanks again to all!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Memorial Day
It's been a nice day. I watered almost everything before it rained, but we needed the rain anyway. Catherine came by for a short visit. I cleaned some and went through the medical bills....that can be so confusing. Then I took a nap with Dave. He's so much better. BP was 128/98 this morning. He still has some tummy issues and dizzy times. He just seems stronger every day.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
The ramp goes up....just in case
Pictures: Mark and Tim finishing the ramp and Dave's watching from the deck; Tim's checking out the ramp; Mark and Tim...more ramp fun; the deck so far....welcome!
Tim, Joni and Mark came back over at 9 am to work on the ramp. Now, I don't remember if I mentioned that the whole idea for the deck started when I had to call 911 for Dave with his seizure and the medics had some issues getting in and out of the house. Not that I'm planning for a repeat at all, just know we needed to prepare for any emergency for any one. So, one side of the stairs have a temporary ramp that Mark designed. It's temporary because we can move it anytime...well we need 2 men to move. It was great that Dave came out and sat in one of the new chairs I got for the deck while watching the finishing touches about noon. Then Tim and Mark needed to make sure we could push someone up and down. It works pretty slick.
A highschool friend, Ted Stanford, stopped by around 2:00pm. Dave was sleeping at first, but he was able to visit with Ted for awhile. Tim, Dave and Ted talked about their first garage bands and Jr High School days. It was so nice of him to stop by. I should have gotten a picture. DARN!
After a nap for me, I went and got some finial perennials and a table for the deck. Watering and planting finished out the early evening. Dave's been outside once and watching TV in the living room 3 times today. That's pretty good. A little stronger everyday!
A Great Day and Evening
Pictures: The first crew members; the Dines help finish some planting; Liz, Dan, Julie and Joni; Mark and Chuck making sure the meat is done; Dave enjoying the evening; Lindsey played music too; Mike and Chuck; lots of room at the table; Mark, Catherine and Kevin; Mark and Kay.
We got started at 9 am. Tim surprised me by arriving about 8:45. The work crew started by figuring out what we needed from Lowes. Tim, Lindsey and I went the first trip and we also returned some things we didn't need. Dan and Mark stayed behind to continue figuring things out for the rails. When we returned Loni had come by. The "girls" (Loni and me) spray painted the screws and mounting brackets black and the work continued through out the day. The Dines and Eric came over too and before we knew it the day was done. Of course we made one last trip to Lowes to get what we needed for the stairs.
Unfortunately, I got put in charge of the meat for Tim's party. It worked out....but I am NOT a meat smoking-grilling all. Too much pressure. What a beautiful evening for a party. Dave got to come out for about 2 hours or so. He want to have a retirement party for Tim, I'm so glad he got to come out and enjoy some of it.
Tomorrow am we are going to work on the plans for the ramp. I'll get a couple pictures of the end product. Once again I can't thank everyone that worked on this project enough. It will help Dave get out of the house easier....and it's beautiful too!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Whew- time sure flew by
Dave continues to battle nausea, poor appetite and low BP. At least that is staying in the 90s and 100s systolic. We went to the oncologist today and he feels Dave is constipated and it's causing the continued nausea. So lots of potions starting for that and hope to get him feeling better for the weekend. He did get a liter of fluid today and will get another tomorrow. The MD said if we can't get everything under control he may end up back in the hospital again. We will work hard to avoid that!!!!!!! It's difficult for me to work when Dave is feeling so miserable.
Good news is I think the left lung is opening up. MD seemed to hear better lung sounds today and Dave is coughing up "stuff" tonight, which they said would happen. I have just 2 fingers crossed.
Hoping to finish the deck Saturday and have a get together for our friend Tim who had his last day at AEP today. YEAH Tim!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Falling BP
Dave's BP starting out at 129/94. By noon he started having pain left side of his ribs and took a couple pain pills, I called to see if we could come to radiation a little early to see the MD. This may be a sign the left lung is opening up, but wanted to be sure. Then he started feeling dizzy and his BP was 90/64. It took awhile to get him to the car. By the time we got to radiation he was complaining of stomach cramping and nausea (can mean low BP). We were waiting for the nurse and Dave started feeling more I just pushed him into the room with the BP monitors and got his was down to 64/44. Then he got clammy and said he was going to pass out. "please get a stretcher". Everyone helped and Dave felt better with his feet up. They paged the MD and we went to the infusion clinic for 2 liters of fluid. He's much better but still a little dizzy and BPs staying in the 90s. We talked with the oncologist and we're going to give him IV fluids 3x/week until he's drinking better. What a day.
Hope it's better for Dave tomorrow.
Monday, May 24, 2010
The Finished Deck
Pictures: the old stairs are gone; Lindsey, Tim and Joni getting started; Dave came out for awhile to watch with Joni at his side; now we're getting somewhere- Mark, Tim and Dan; Loni taking a picture of Mark's tool belt- it was a hit; the helpers- Loni, Kevin, Noah and Liz; Lindsey getting the planks on- YEAH; Mark, Dan and Tim- it's beer o'clock time; Liz, Mark and Lindsey making the last cuts; Kevin, Dave, me, Lindsey and Tim; Dave, Audrey and me on the new deck.
Tim, Lindsey and Joni got to our house between 9 and 9:30 am. Tim had reviewed all the plans and made the first stop of the day to Lowes. He spent a lot of time figuring out what was missing from the plans to the instructions. We sure appreciate him. Kevin and Mark put their heads together with everyone else and they got the support posts and jousts (or whatever their called) in place and level. That took awhile so when Loni came over we painted an old umbrella form for the birds while the men were figuring out the plans. I think Loni did most of the painting. Then Dan and Liz joined us. It was perfect timing and the second trip to Lowes. They needed a 10 inch bit to help get the bolts into the supports. Mark was working on figuring out the connection for the last part of the frame and decided we had the wrong bracket. Third trip to Lowes for Mark and Kevin to get the correct ones for a 45 degree angle. Then the beams went in....oops we were short one. Fourth trip to Lowe's. Loni took me this time. AND the didn't have the 2 x 6 x 8 we needed (or we just couldn't find them) so we got 2 x 6 x 10. We were fast (they were waiting on us), to the car, it doesn't fit. St Joe High school wisdom set in and we utilized a plastic bag to hold the back door closed. FYI- you have to drive slow. Once the last beam was in the planks went on pretty quick. Dave came out to see the progress and thank everyone. We couldn't get to the railing and stairs, so we'll work on that next weekend.
We have the best friends and family!!!! Thanks to all!!!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Decks on schedule, Dave's resting up.

We started about 10:30. Tim rented a post hole's huge! Did the trick to get through the roots in a lot less time. Cement was in place with the bolts in the center by 11:30. We'll start the building tomorrow am. This afternoon I went and got annual flowers and planted most of them. Got beer, snacks and water for tomorrow. It's suppose to be in the 80s. Good thing the front yard has a lot of shade. I've also got 2 or 3 plants to move before we start.
Dave's been in bed a lot today and yesterday. I know radiation really wears a person out. I miss him...isn't that kinda funny. He's here, but I miss him when I'm in the backyard. Hoping he'll rest up and be able to come outside some tomorrow.
Friday, May 21, 2010
The Front Deck Begins
Went to Lowe's with Tim and Joni and bought a deck. Really Tim had to figure it out. We brought home some things to get started. The rest will be delivered tomorrow. Joni is going to be inventory girt. takes a lot to make a level deck. I learned the 3,4,5 rule and about batter boards. It's really hard to dig holes by the tree. Kevin came over to help but they only got 1 hole deep enough, need a total of 6. We'll work on it tomorrow. Then need to let the cement set.....24 hours may be enough. It not, there's next weekend.
Dave just had radiation today. He's still resting a lot, but I think he felt a little better today. Eating a tiny bit better.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Slow improvement is good
We went to get a lab draw today and then to radiation. Dave continues to nap in between all of our home adventures. It's easy to lose strength when staying in the when you're in the hospital over a week. But, today Dave walked to the oncology office for lab, the radiation unit from the parking structure and to the back yard. He did need assistance back from each walk..but this is soooo good after not walking a lot for over a week. My mom came over today and helped work on the yard, lots of mowing needed. We took all the fencing down around the new grass, time to mow. I also got the work permit for the front deck. We're hoping to get a start this weekend.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Last evening about 8 pm Dave started running a temp. I kept pushing him to drink fluids, but by 9:30 his temp was 101.4 degrees. I called the oncologist and he felt Dave should still be on antibiotics. 24 hour Walgreens to the rescue. Temp was down by this am. We had an oncologist appointment at 11 am. Dave was a little dizzy and weak this morning. BP was low when we got there. They are going to see him every week, draw lab 2x/week and they sent him for a liter of IV fluids after his radiation today. No problems at radiation. When we got to the infusion clinic the nurse asked if he still had the PIC line. When we said yes she jumped for joy....literally. How great it is to have that, they just flush the line and plug him pokes. I'll have to do the sterile dressing changes every biggie. We'll probably get supplies from the Berrien County Cancer Services and they'll help as needed.
While Dave was there for 2 hours I went to the grocery store and got him all his diet boosters- dry milk, carnation breakfast, Greek yogurt, good soup, pudding, applesauce packs..... we're ready for high calorie/protein diet camp!
Tim and Joni came by tonight to help us plan the front deck. I wanted to make something that we can add a ramp to if needed and sit outside when we want. Hoping to get start this weekend or next. Dave took a nap from 4ish to 9:30. He's up watching a little TV...feels good to be home, on the mend and watching TV together.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
There's no place like home
DC today about 4:30 pm. Started with radiation at 11 after a late breakfast. Then waiting and waiting and waiting... late lunch. MD said the brain MRI results were pretty good. Less tumors and smaller tumors...YEAH! Lab results okay this morning. He's still so tired. This evening I can't get him to eat much and he's starting to run a low grade temp. Pushing the fluids.
Tomorrow appointment with oncologist at 11 and 2nd radiation treatment at 1 pm. We'll maybe do some planning on the front door deck. I'm ready for bed. nite, nite.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Not home today- but dogs visit
Pictures: Julie, Ruthie and Dave; Audrey, Julie, Ruthie and Dave + the IV.
Feeling better after the radiation consult. First radiation is tomorrow morning. Dave's platelets were down to about 33,000 this morning, so he did get 1 unit of platelets today. WBC 5.4, so off of the Neupogen and antibiotics. Best news of all- Dave's pre-albumin is up to 11. The dietitian added some protein powder and Carnation Breakfast to his diet. We need to be aggressive because of the esophagus issues coming with radiation. Plan is to let him free tomorrow. I thought a trip outside and visit with some of the dogs would be good for him, MD agreed. About 2 pm Lindsey and Julie came over and got Dave outside. I waited with Audrey and Ruthie by the front of the hospital. At first the dogs were scared, but then so happy to see him. Not the best day outside, fairly warm but windy and overcast. We stayed out for about 20 minutes, then Lindsey and Julie got Dave back to his room and I took the puppies home. Van S, Loni, Phil, Catherine T., Catherine S. and Dianne I. came by for short visits. 5 pm Dave went down for his repeat brain MRI that was due this week. They'll see if he needs targeted radiation to any areas.
Well, it's 8:30 pm... I watching Dancing with the Stars and Dave's taking a snooze. My job is supporting me being off this week. I'm hoping it's our last night here. I'm ready to be home too. Thanks for all the support!
We met with the Radiology Oncologist this morning. He said Dave will get radiation for a couple weeks and then have a break for a repeat. Sounds like a recipe. He feels there will be no problem opening the bronchi, has had good results with worse situations. He also said it should remain open for a while....good news! The bad part is because the esophagus is in the radiation field, he will have more problems swallowing. So I'm working on a new plan for nutrition. Thinking it will include small meals (or shakes) every 2 to 3 hours...on the clock, no matter what. I guess I'll let him sleep at night. Gotta build him up for more camp fires.
We're waiting for the hospitalist and hopefully dc home today. I'll update later.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Just still pooped
Pictures: Dave, Kay, Emma and Claire; Emma and Claire with their art work; Ev, Dave and Kay.
Dave is still pretty tired. He did take a walk around the 4th floor. I was trying to get him outside in a w/c.... maybe later. The Brady brothers stopped by this afternoon. Hartzells popped in for a few minute before that....Dave was napping. I went home for awhile and we got the beds made at home...ready for Mr. Maki. He still has a terribly bad appetite... I'm trying to work my magic spell- we'll see. I think he's getting a little tired of "nurse Maki". We also got a visit from the Dines, Emma and Claire brought us some art. The large poster is Emma's and she brought it by to show us...and to cheer us up. Now Dave needs to rest. I think we should watch his rest time. I'll work on that.
It's a New day...and a new week
MD's were here early today. Platelets are down a little. If he has any bleeding today they'll give him some more platelets. May stop the IV antibiotics today too. Oncologist hopes we can get him home tomorrow. They will start the radiation in the morning and we'll go from there.
Dave's goal today is to "troll the hallways". It's amazing how weak lying in bed can make a person. We just went around the whole floor (he was trying to show off I think). Dave did great, but he's pooped.
I'm actually going to leave him alone (how funny to say...with all the nurses and staff...) and go home for awhile. Hope to give him a wheel chair ride outside for a little bit this afternoon.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
It tends to even out with time.
Dave made a good turn this morning. His hemoglobin and platelets are staying stable. Coughing up minimal amounts of blood. WBC's up to 2.5. He's out of isolation. MD came by and said he's going in the right direction. Saw the oncologist this afternoon. How do they get this way of making you feel better... no matter what? He said Dave is done with chemo, his body can't take it anymore. His infection was due to the counts being so low and he just couldn't recover from it. Since his labs are starting to improve, they'll start lung radiation Monday and hopefully he can go home by Tuesday. The radiation should help open up the left bronchial and his lung will open up again. Big sigh and fingers crossed. He also feels Dave can start taking a pill (I can never remember the name) that's for lung cancer and can also help with the brain tumors. We can follow up at their office after he goes home and get information and a rX. He said Dave can have radiation at the same time and this pill won't affect his blood counts. We know none of these current treatments are a cure, but they are a method to make Dave feel better so he can enjoy the rest of his life. No one has a crystal ball that will tell us how long that will be.
Since Dave has been so weak, we decided this week to get a bed in the living room so he doesn't have to walk as far. My mom let us borrow her twin craftmatic bed. Mom, George and Mark Lester set up the living room today. Then my mom came over to see Dave. Several other visitors today including Tom and Suzanne and also Kay. Now we just have to work out the front patio/stairs and we're ready for almost anything.
It feels like we just went through a roll over on the roller coaster. A little check on how precious our time together is and how great our friends and families are too!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Surprise visitors....more news
Lots of laughing around the patient this evening. Tim and Joni brought me dinner, which we ate while Dave napped. Then the Hartzell's came by with Steve Cook and Terry Brady. We all had quite a few laughs which felt great after our news today. Dave's lung cancer is blocking one of his main bronchus and causing the pleural effusion, etc. He is short of breath with activity, but not at rest. Still having occasional nausea. Less coughing up blood today. Hemoglobin went back down some this morning, so he did have another unit of blood. The oncologist didn't make it in today, he's coming in tomorrow to discuss everything with us. Dave will start lung radiation on Monday to make it easier for him to breathe. Dave's goal is to get home, that's my goal too. Will have more information in the morning. Lots of thanks to Joni and Julie, you both helped me so much today.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
2 steps forward, 1 step back
Dave had a busy day. Lab draw, PIC line, dietitian, Physical Therapy and MD all before 3 pm. PIC line went in easy and all Dave really felt was the lidocaine injection. The antibiotics continued all day. He will get Vancomycin levels tomorrow am. Dave's pre-albumin is 7, normal is 16 to 35. He will start getting HealthyShot for a supplement. PT thought Dave's strength is pretty good. Suggested a walker so he can rest when needed. And he got some exercises. MD came by when I went home for a shower. He said Dave was looking better, hemoglobin was up to 8.7 (7.9 in ER). Platelets up to 66,000. But, they still don't know where the infection is at.
Then around 4:30 pm he started coughing up blood again. Dave's nurse called his hospitalist. They got a stat CBC and a stat Chest ct-scan. We spoke with the MD. He said Dave has a pleural effusion and we really needed the ct-scan to see what's going on with his left lung. He gave Dave another unit of platelets. Hemoglobin this pm 8.5, platelets are 56,000. WBCs are 1.4. No more blood tonight. Meeting with oncologist, hospitalist and us to figure out where we stand tomorrow. Dave feels a little better this evening- he needs his rest.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
A Message for our niece
Katie Maki graduates with her Masters degree from Vanderbilt University this Friday. After several attempts to get this video on facebook (I knew I could, I knew I could, I......), I decided to put it here. Kinda nice to see Dave "live". Congrats Katie! What great and wonderful nephews and nieces we you all!
Deep breath, can feel the vibes
Picture: Chuck, Phil and Loni pose for a picture in their masks. Yes they are smiling.
Dave has been in neutropenia isolation since we got on the floor last evening. I think his WBC count was up a little today...but still too low. So we all have to wear a mask in the room. If Dave was to go out of the room, he would have to wear a mask. Here's a nice link that describes low blood counts with chemo and what they mean.
The MD came by about 6 pm. He doesn't feel it's pneumonia. They are now testing for C-diff. That means we all have to wear a gown and gloves when near him. If results come back negative...we go back to masks only. We'll get an pre-albumin level tomorrow and have Physical Therapy come by to help Dave work on his strength and methods to conserve energy.
Dave had several visitors today. Joni came by to sit with him while I went home to shower this afternoon. Because you never know when an MD is stopping by and then I'd miss them, it seems always having someone hear is a good idea. No PIC line yet. The platelets didn't get transfused in time. Dave's nurse today tried soooo hard to get all the blood and platelets in, but there wasn't time. Tomorrow am, PIC line.
We're feeling the positive vibes from you all. Keep them coming and we'll do our part to get home soon. As Dave would say..... Peace, Love, Groove.
What a Difference a Day Makes
Mr. Maki looks better today. Since Dave fell I've been walking with him to the boys room and he is definitely walking stronger. He ate some breakfast and lunch. More than he's been doing lately. I talked to the dietitian and asked them to get a pre-albumin level. Getting his second unit of blood (hemoglobin was less than 8 in ER yesterday), then 4 units of platelets (platelets were 32,000)....then they will start a PIC line . We're both catching naps as much as possible.
24 out of 48 hours
Well, we've spent 11 out of 25 hours in ERs, now Dave's on the oncology floor. Add in the Oncology office for lab and the infusion clinic...what a way to start a vacation. We're just getting settled in. Unfortunately, I left for a few minutes to change my clothes and Dave got up by himself and fell... he just has an abrasion, but he pulled out his IV. He got 2 antibiotics in the ER. They think he may have pneumonia. We may know more tomorrow. He's been a little weak and tired all day. Hopefully we'll get some sleep. nite-nite
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Well, we gave it our best try. About 9:00 I went to wake Dave up, for his meds and he felt hot. Temperature time.....101 degrees. Trip to the ER..... WBCs down from this am, 1.5 to 1.1. MD says 2 choices= admit here and see infectious disease in the am or Vancomycin and cefoxitin (or something like that) here and go home to continue at home. Sadly, no NY,NY. We decided we should go home. Dave's okay with it. I'm disappointed for him, but they'll be another time for Chick. Hope to get a few hours sleep.
Monday, May 10, 2010
The first leg
Pictures: Dave ready to go; Erik taking the back seat first; Erik driving in Ohio.
Dave and I got to the clinic for lab about 9 am. Dave coughed up blood a few more times and by 8 am had a bloody nose again. Hemoglobin is 9.7, platelets 13,000. MD decided to give him another unit of platelets since we were heading out today. Infusion clinic here we come. Got there by 10:00 am and left about 11:50. Dave was pretty weak this morning. BP still 90's / 60's. Erik and Al were there when we got home. Mom was getting settled in to watch the dogs and cat while we're gone. I finished packing, wrote a quick note on the blog and we were on the road about 1 pm. Stopped by Best Buy to get a cable for the iPod and off we go. The cable was messed up, stopped at Battle Creek Best Buy to exchange it and now we have CDs and iPods to listen to. I drove to about 50 miles before Cleveland and then Erik finished up the first leg. Dave's in bed...exhausted. Tomorrow we go to Secaucus, NJ. Stay tuned.
Let's revisit Sunday
Sunday started out pretty rough. Dave coughed up blood several times during the night. Small amounts with clots. In the morning we talked about cancelling out of the Mother's day lunch, but we were in charge of getting Ev and Elisa there. Okay it really wasn't early "morning", it was more like 10:45 and we didn't decide until 11:00 and it would have been too late to call anyone. Dave got in the shower about 10:50.....that wasn't good. It just took too much out of him. Back to bed and his BP was 98/60...low for him. It took us until 11:35 to get out the door. I couldn't leave him home alone. We'd take the moms and if he felt really bad we'd just leave. By the time we got there he was have a second wind. He came in and ate some soup, visited, and went back in the car until we left. No bleeding all day though. Late afternoon he came out to the garage to boss Tim, Joni and me around. We filled the dumpster so they could pick it up Monday morning. Yeah!
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