Planning a big campfire tomorrow night about 8pm. Everyone in town that reads this....stop on by. We'll have lots of marshmallows, a couple snacks, some beer and water. Bring what you want. Hope it's as nice as tonight... too bad tonight's a work night.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Camp Fire heaven
Dave started a fire about 4:30 pm. We thought we'd let the wood coals get really hot and then cook hamburgers on the fire. It worked out well. It was so windy this afternoon. Now it's just perfect. Nice breeze, still in the low 60s. Thought we'd come back out for a few minutes to enjoy.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
By the fire
Dave and I are sitting by the fire....right now. It's getting a little cool, but the fire is nice. And there's the Latin music. Nikki and Ruthie love lying next to us on the couch. That is until someone drives down the neighbors driveway. Then Nikki watches the birds and sometimes barks at them. They seem to like "egging" her on.
Dave went palling around with Lindsey today. First he had lab work. They also checked to make sure he doesn't have a urinary tract infection. The "boys" were looking around for blocks and ideas for the brick oven Dave wants to build. Or, as he would call it, the wood burning pizza oven.... After another trip to the drug store, I have a sinus infection, we got dinner to go from Clancy's deli and we ate outside.
I'm also looking at places to stop the first night of the trip to NY. Youngstown, Ohio looks like a good place. The Residence Inn advertises they are the half way point between Chicago and New York. Promising. I think it's time to go inside. Until next time!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Sunny is good, now we need warm
I mowed the lawn when I got home today, with my mom's help. A cardinal flew very close by my head. Dave always says "it's Sue's mom checking on us". She loved cardinals. Very sunny, but breezy and cool. Dave continues to feel a little better everyday. Eating okay. Planning a little project work this weekend. Hope to get the garden planted for one thing. Probably will have a camp fire or 2 if there's warmer weather.
Saturday evening we're going to the Relay for Life Auction with Phil and Loni. I've been involved in a few Relay's, but never the auction. There are some cool things to bid on. I'm not sure how long we'll be able to stay. That will be up to Dave.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sun? Yup that's the sun.
We sat out in the yard early evening. Dave loves sitting in the sun. He felt a little better today. Appetite is.... how do you express a side ways hand quiver..... so so. We're working on garden plans. I got some seeds today...peas, lettuce, cilantro, beets, scallions, egg plant, radishes... can't wait to start.
Got to do some more NY, NY plans. We still have some time. Will start the NY trip count down.... we leave in....13 days. That will go quick.
Night, night.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
April showers
Another rainy, overcast day. The sun did come out for about 30 minutes. Dave has been eating well today, a few stomach issues through out the day. Last night we thought we lost 2 of his nausea medications, but found them this morning. I got most of the recycling out this afternoon while Dave observed. He was a little dizzy, happens with position changes. I think he's feeling better tonight.
Tim and Joni brought over pizza and we watched a movie. Kinda nice to just stay in side without any guilt. Plus we needed the rain.
No appointments this week except lab work on Wednesday.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
South Bend with most of the Maki's
Pictures: Dave serving the appetizer; Kris and Dave (oldest and youngest siblings); Loni and Phil; Mark and Al.
We had a belated birthday celebration for Dave's sister Kris in South Bend this afternoon. It's kinda a tradition to all meet at Barnes and Noble and then go eat. B&N moved since last year, it's now in the University Park Mall. That meant a change from the Outback to Granite City Brewery. Dave had coffee and sat by the drink area at B&N while we all looked around at books and videos. Dinner was very good. Missed getting a picture of Ev (she's next to Al).
We both slept very well last night. No real stomach issues for Dave, yet. It's raining on and off and overcast here. Nice night to stay inside and watch movies in bed. Oh and work on the NY, NY plans. :)
ps- thanks for all the encouraging words and hugs. We both stand tall with all of you behind us!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Day 2
Dave had an okay day. Ate pretty good, minimal stomach issues. We're both very tired though. Dave's is chemo related, he seemed to sleep very well last night. I woke up at 3 am and couldn't go back to sleep. Probably had too much caffeine. I have these type of nights every so often and since July they seem a little harder. I don't think it fair to leave out the trying times....they have been there too. When I'm up by myself in the middle of the night I can't seem to stop my thoughts. Racing through the last few there something I missed...... is everything getting done....are we doing the right things. I allow myself to shed some tears. Not really sobbing or swollen eyes. Just plain tears. It's not really about me, yet somehow it can be. It doesn't seem fair, but what really is. Ah....sweet sleep at last and then another day.
love to all our friends and family. All my love to Dave.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Chemo again
So Dave got to the infusion clinic about 9 am. After Joni and Dave told them he had a small reaction with the second Taxol round, he got a lot of pre-medications including Decadron and Benedryl. That means he wasn't done until close to 4 pm. But one down, one to go. So, appointment with the radiation oncologist moved back to follow chemo. Plan is to get brain MRI along with CT scans following next chemo in 4 weeks. Then we will prioritize chemo and the possibility of target radiotherapy surgery. Best timing for MRI is 6 to 8 weeks following radiation to the brain. MD also mentioned we can do the same for Dave's lung masses at some point too. Dave was so ready to go home, he stood up and started putting his coat on when we finalized the plan....."are you ready to go home Dave?" Thanks to Joni and Julie for being with Dave all day while I was working. Mom stayed with the dogs too. What great family and friends we have.
ps- found out today that Taxol doses are not accumulative, so side effects start all over. Although, Carboplatin doses after 7 can cause allergic reaction.
About 5 pm, we sat in the back yard for awhile and visited with neighbors; Kris, Kevin and Bela. Now time for pot pies and cottage cheese......
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Day before chemo
So I suggested Dave have a professional shave before chemo and hair loss. Those little fine hairs that grew in following chemo are really hard to shave. It was his first..... in his life. I kinda thought it would be like a male "spa" experience. I didn't stay for the whole thing, but when I came back he looked so relaxed and pampered. So I was thinking, that might be a nice father's day gift. Plus Dave's face is so smooth!
Just waiting for tomorrow and keeping up the fight.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Chemo plans
Dave will get chemo this Thursday. A little different regime. He takes steroids the day before, day of and day after. Chemo buddy, Joni, will be taking him in the morning and staying there. It should be about 4 hours.... we'll have to see. I'll be in Grand Rapids for the day.
We went to "Wally's" in Saugatuck with Julie Lester and my mom for dinner tonight. BEST fried perch. That's all we ever eat there, we should try something different. Time to watch some TV in bed.
Monday, April 19, 2010
The New Plan is almost in place
Went to the oncologist this afternoon. He agreed that Dave responded very well to Taxol and Carboplatin. So we're going to try 2 more rounds and then switch drugs. He wanted to start this week since it's been awhile since the last doses of T/C. We talked about the trip to New York, New York and they agreed...we need to go. So we'll do a second dose of T/C in 4 weeks (the week after NY, NY) and then get a CT Scan. We'll now be going to the transfusion clinic for chemo...we know the nurses and staff, so that's okay. It feels good to know the next step. Dave told the MD my nickname for him is CW and he's ready for whatever they have! He smiled.
Dave bought a cane today. He walks faster and feels more confident. The steroid dose will wean a little slower with the chemo this week. He should be off by next Wednesday instead of Sunday. They told us he'll still have weak muscles for awhile. And the cane will go well with Dave's pimp outfit for NY, NY (hee hee).
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Sunday travels
Pictures: Joni gives Dave another haircut; Dave's "big shrimp"; wow- they are big; Joni, Dena, Elia, Dave and Tim- full and ready to go home.
Dave has been losing his hair the last 2 weeks. A known side effect of brain radiation. Gone is most of the soft, soft fuzz. It was time to shave what was left, so Joni did the honors today. His scalp is tender and dry, but it didn't hurt at all. Now he can put his radiation lotion on easier too!
We went to hear Tim play with the Otsego Jazz Ensemble this afternoon. Great concert with some of the best big band music. Then we went to Chin Chin in Mattawan for dinner with Tim, Joni, Elia and Dena. Elia and Dena have been back in town from Texas for a few days to work on a rental house they have. It was great to see them. Dinner was wonderful (Joni's been trying to get us to go for a while). Dave had one of the specials- Big Shrimp. He liked it, ate a lot of it and did admit it was a little hard to eat. His appetite has continued to improve this weekend.
Tomorrow we have an appointment with the oncologist. Will update when I get home.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Saturday- working, working, working

Pictures: Dave and Kevin watching Mark and Lindsey work on finishing the fence; Sue staining the fence posts; the escape route; Lindsey and Dave looking over the work; Mom picking up MORE leaves; Kevin replacing the stereo door.
Another work day at the Maki's. Lindsey, Sue, Mark Sanford, mom and Kevin came over. We got leaves, leaves and more leaves pick up (can't believe there were any left). Lindsey and Mark finished the top piece on the fence, Sue and I stained the posts. And we replaced the door on the garage for the stereo, well Kevin did that. Plus did poop patrol and mowed most of the yard. Everything is falling into place.
Sue feels that there's always an animal issue when they come over. Here's today's story. Sue, mom and I were by the back door cleaning the square foot garden beds and picking up leaves. Dave was in the house and Lindsey and Mark were in the way back working on the fence. I went to get Ruthie in the way back area Ruthie. We searched the house and the yard... no Ruthie. It was perplexing. Deciding she had to of escaped the yard, we started calling and going different directions. The neighbor, Bela, got in his car and went back behind our house returning in a couple minutes yelling "Ruthie go home". Whew, he found her. She's never gotten out of the yard and went that far away. AND she's never gotten out of the yard when there wasn't an open gate, so it was still confusing to did she get out? About 30 minutes later Sue, Mom, Dave and I were in the yard and we saw how. In one of the pictures above there's orange fencing to protect the new grass, behind it is a gate. Mark and Lindsey were hard at work going in and out of the gate and left it open. Ruthie walked very slow and calmly toward the area, slipped under the orange fencing and through the gate. Lindsey and Mark never saw her. We got her back fairly quickly this time. It was actually kind funny to see how clever she was. The gate will not be left open again. Oh those dryer doors and gates!!
I'm pretty tired, ready for bed. Couldn't get Dave away from the fire....which really is a good thing (he's in now). He made pork Mexican-like with potatoes and flour tortillas for dinner. I'm happy to see his appetite improving too. Thanks all for your help.
Catching up- Friday night
Pictures: Dave says "smoke was getting in my eyes"; Nikki and Ruthie sleeping by the fire; Ruthie by fire light.
Friday night we had a big fire. Dave made a wonderful dinner of fish and rice. He's doing better. Still weak leg muscles (from the steroids), but he's down to 2 mg 2x/day now. A little less tired. We stayed by the fire until 1 am.... later than we've been up for awhile.
Final arrangements for New York are falling in to place. We're leaving Monday, May 10th and driving to New Jersey in 2 days (staying at an Embassy Suites). It's 7.5 miles from there to the Blue Note. Thanks for the suggestions from everyone. We'll be back Thursday or Friday. Our nephew Erik is going with.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Pictures from Chick's side
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Coming back to earth.
Our friend, Elisa, gave us her lounger last weekend. What a great surprise. Dave can take a nap in the yard now. We tried to keep the dogs off...but..... Dave is feeling better every day. Next Monday is next appointment at the oncologist. We got an email from Chick's assistant today, he's sending us the pictures he took. Cool beans! We are planning to go to the Blue Note the second week of May. Dave wants to drive and we're looking for 1 or 2 friends to go along. We've never been to New York City. What an experience that will be. Any pearls of wisdom will be appreciated. :)
Monday, April 12, 2010
The Chick Meeting....according to Dave
WOW--WOWIE-ZOWIE!!!!!!!!!! What a great weekend in Chicago, celebrating life and music. Lee and I were accompanied by our great friends Tim and Joni King and my brother Phil and his wife Loni. We had a great time gallivanting around, eating, shopping, snacking, eating, and also got some time to relax. Of course the highlight was the concert Saturday night, a duet with Chick Corea and Gary Burton at an exquisite small theatre with 3rd row seats right by Chick. The show was mixed by Chick's life long friend, and my new friend, Bernie Kirsch. The best part for me was a personal meeting with Chick that my lovely wife, coolest person in the world, secretly arranged behind my back. About 10 minutes of personal face to face time that he graciously agreed to. I had thought and thought about what I would say to him through the years. I told him how he had inspired me and thanked him. I presented him some of his favorite gum, he thought it was a "sweet gift". Towards the end of our time I told him I had never really seen him in an intimate setting and would like to some time. He immediately invited us to the Blue Note in New York City and described it as the kind of venue I was thinking of, or something like that. He recommended the second week of May when Eddie Gomez and other guests would be joining him. I asked if I could say hi if we got there, he said "of course" ( you can't believe how humble I feel around him). Upon leaving, Bernie confirmed the second week at the Blue Note would be the best.
All and all this was an amazing weekend, it definitely represented a full circle in my life.
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Pictures: Dave enjoying a smoothie at the Grand Lux Cafe; the Art Museum- impressionists; really old art- Loni and Phil.
Home about 3:30 pm. Pictures from Chicago above. We had a great great time! Chick and Gary were amazing. I had been working on getting Dave a "meet and great" with Chick (a dream of his for years) a few months. We got to the point of "ask when you get to the auditorium" point thanks to Dave Bartz and Bernie Scott. I decided to call the box office about 3:30, got a hold of the hospitality host, he said we were on his list and he'd let me know as soon as he spoke to Chick's "people". I got a call about 6:30pm. Yes, Chick agreed to a short meeting after the gig, only 3 people. It was so great to tell Dave. Now, how do we decide the third person. It ended up to be Dave, Tim and me. We got to the auditorium at North Central College (it's very similar to the Andrew's University auditorium) and got our seats. We were in the 3rd row stage left and had a great view of Chick and his magic fingers. The first half was wonderful. Dave went to talk to his "buddy", Chick's sound man, Bernie. All of a sudden I was talking to the hospitality host who said we could go meet Chick now! I retrieved Dave from Bernie and we followed the host to the basement. The pictures are on Phil's camera and I should have tonight. I think I'm going to have Dave talk about his experience. All I'll say is: it was great, Chick was so kind, what a climax to the weekend. Again, thanks to our helpers. :)
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Dave's on vacation
Well, I forgot the camera cable, so can't load in pictures from yesterday. We had a great lunch at the Grand Lux. Travel to Naperville was LONG due to road construct. Phil, Loni, Joni and I had a good time at the art museum too. Dave continues to tire easily although he didn't nap much yesterday. Good news- he's eating better with less swallowing problems. I really felt he enjoyed the great food we had. We made a side trip to Trader Joe's to get a few yummy snacks and picked up some pizza/pasta from Giordano's last evening. Dave hasn't been able to eat pizza for a couple weeks or more. He had a piece of stuffed pizza too!
It's suppose to be in the 70's today. We have some time to shop around a little....and eat. Hope to get to Whole Foods Market. AND then the concert at 8.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Celebrate- last radiation for now!

Pictures: The radiation machine; Dave with his mask on; ready for treatment; but is he really a monster?
Today was Dave's last radiation treatment until the repeat MRI. He may have a targeted procedure after that. Lindsey took him and they went for a breakfast celebration afterwards. In honor of the last treatment, he asked the techs to take a few pictures. He's feeling a lot better today. We have a wheel chair for the weekend, just in case. Getting clothes ready....what should we wear? Looking forward to a little break. My mom is staying at our house with the dogs and cat. She won't leave the dryer door open.....:) Will post pictures and try to get Dave to make some comments.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Returning to normal
Pictures: if you look hard- there's a cardinal on the fence; spring has sprung; all the grass is planted and it's raining!
Dave continues to fight through the bowel issues. We've added prune juice, fiber, fresh fruit, walking....finally some "results" this afternoon. Still burping, maybe less hiccups. We're planning for Friday. We'll leave about 11 am and have lunch at the Grand Lux Cafe downtown Chicago. Probably just some of us will then go to the Art Institute to see the Matisse exhibit. Dave wants to just go to the hotel in Naperville and rest. We'll meet up at the hotel and have dinner around there. I know they'll be a lot of pictures and fun. I'm happy Dave's getting back to normal. He'll be tired, but we'll have a good time.
Tomorrow his last radiation, for now. Next appointment in 2 weeks and we'll discuss when the next MRI of the brain will be. He didn't lose much hair, just very tired. Still my CW!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The Steroid Wean Begins
Dave's appointment with the radiology oncologist today went well. I haven't been able to make any MD appointments. Angel Julie and Angel Joni have gone with Dave. They are starting to decrease the dose of the steroids. He's down to 3 tabs a day for a few day (from 4 tabs a day) and then they continue to slowly taper down. He's sooooo glad. He does have thrush which is making it hard for him to swallow and is a result of the steroids. They started him on Diflucan and Benadryl/Maalox/Lidocaine swishes today. This should help him feel a lot better a 2 to 3 days. He did the swish before eating mushroom soup for dinner and got more down tonight. Still bowel issues. Only 2 more radiation treatments. Then Friday we leave for Chicago and Naperville. Chick Corea/Gary Burton concert on Saturday. Looking forward to a little get away and hope Dave feels good enough to enjoy it too.
Monday, April 5, 2010
I think Dave and I could have slept until noon today. He went to radiation about 10:00 am. Appointment with the radiation oncologist tomorrow. Only 3 more days. He's still very tired. Food tastes dry to him. He's still burping and hiccuping a lot. He's lost some weight, not really eating as well as he has been. And he's having issues with constipation (usually don't mention those things, but it went with today's title so well).
First appointment at new oncology clinic was this morning too. Dave saw some family friends when walking in. They are encouraging. The new MD is very friendly. He asked Dave how is was holding up with all of this and if he was tired of it. He wants Dave to finish radiation, try to hang in there with the steroids and we have an appointment in 2 weeks to discuss treatment option ( 1 is a pill).
Dave slept most of the afternoon. The neighbor, Kevin, just planted the rest of the grass in the back. I think I'll get Dave to sit out in the sun before the next rain starts.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
A Good Sunday
Pictures: Dave and Kay; Liz and Kris; the new cooking area- almost done; the fence is going up - Dan, Kevin and Lindsey; garden bed gone and fence up; mom cleaning up; time to eat- notice the orange fence in the background.
What a beautiful day. Kevin, Lindsey, Dan and Tim got the smaller posts in and stapled up the fence. I had to go exchange the first one- it was damaged. Actually, I was at Meijers twice, Lowe's once and Harding's once through the day. Best laid plans. Kevin and Kay got the area under the counter clearer so we could put in some extra pavers and get the refrigerator below the counter. Tim, Joni, Kay, Claire, Emma, Liz, Dan (did I get everyone?) helped clean up more leaves and the rest of the yard. Bill came by and helped us plant grass on the right side. We didn't have enough seed for the left side, we'll get that this week. But, we put up the orange snow fencing to keep the dogs out. Finally about 5:15pm, Ruthie and Nikki got to go out in their back yard..... 2 happy dogs. Tim made smoked salmon on planks for dinner- it was awesome. Add Joni's mac and cheese, corn, bread, asparagus risotto, some smoked pork roast.... ummmm good.
By the way, Nancy is going back in forth between the upstairs and the basement now. Still sleeping and a little slow. I'm so happy he's okay. Dave continues to be tired. Most food tastes really dry to him, so he's not eating as much.
Tomorrow radiation at 10 am, new oncologist at 11:30.
Our cat
I just couldn't write about this last night. About 5 pm yesterday I went to get a friends jacket out of the dryer and our cat was lying in there with the clothes. I felt so HORRIBLE. We took him to the vet. He had motion sickness and was in a little shock. He was in the dryer for over an hour and it had run for about 12 minutes. The vet said he could have heat stroke or low oxygen from being in there. He didn't have either of those. He got a couple shots and the vet said it would take a couple days for him to get back to normal. When we got home, Nancy-Boy hid from me. I looked in all the hiding places at least 5 times last night. I knew he was okay, but I didn't sleep well. I found him this morning. He's much better, but still a little slow. Lesson learned- never ever leave my dryer door open again.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Rain, rain, go away!
Pictures: And the garden bed is coming down; the 3 poncho-amigos; rain doesn't keep us from working; Dave comes out to supervise the posts going up; then there is sun.
11 am and it's raining.'s raining.......Ed came over. Then Lindsey, Sue, Chuck, Cookie and my mom arrive. Dave thought it would be good to take some bottles back since it was raining and difficult to do a lot of things. Sue and Cookie made 2 trips for us. The garage is half empty Ed, Lindsey and Chuck worked on the fence/garden bed. We had 2 rain ponchos I bought years ago and never used. I also went to Walgreens and bought 4 more. It was short work for the 3 poncho-amigos to get the garden bed apart and 4 of the large posts in. Mom helped Dave cook onions, brats and potato salad. At 3 pm the rain stopped and the sun came out. Kay, Emma and Claire came over with some deviled eggs. The girls helped restring our tree art (Bell's mini-kegs). Kevin got the fire going. Dinner was great. We roasted hot dogs and the brats on the fire. After dinner there were S'mores. Dave did pretty good today. Still tired, a little stomach discomfort. It was so fun having everyone over. That's the big goal this summer. If there's a fire, just stop by....we'd love to see you.
Tomorrow we'll finish the fence and work on some garden bed stuff. Oh, and the x-mas garland isn't down will be tomorrow.
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