Saturday, February 27, 2010
The Admirals
So we went to dinner before the Admirals' game. The game was at LMC high school with a good crowd and it was pretty fun. Dave could only tolerate the benches through part of half time, so we don't know who won. Dave's had a lot of stomach problems today and threw up tonight. It may be from CP-751,871. And his back is still bothering him some. I think he's finally feeling a little better. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Back from TC- all is well
The drive home yesterday was a little challenging. The roads got worse from Grand Rapids and there were 8 cars in the medians along the way. But I got home safe and everyone was fine here too. Nikki's bandages can come off today.
We're still working on a vacation plan the end of March and finding a new oncologist. Planning to go see the Lake Michigan Admirals tonight. We haven't gotten to a game and have season passes (a gift from the benefit). Looks like they are having a good season. We're going next weekend too.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Friendly at the Friendly
Dave had an okay day, a little nausea. We went to the Friendly in Coloma for dinner. I thought I had been there once, but I was wrong. Great burgers and we saw 2 friends. They really are friendly. I'm off to Traverse City tomorrow and back Friday. Hoping we can finally make one of the Admirals' basketball games this weekend. We're going for sure on March 6th.
Nikki's recovering well. Still spots of her blood through the snow in the back yard. I can't find what she cut herself on. Main thing...all is well tonight at Camp David.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Chemo - another CP-751,871 and then another appt

Today was chemo with CP-751,871 # 3 (or total #9). At the appointment the NP was rather honest with us and brought up the fact that we really do need to find another center giving the study drug long term. This was a little shock, yet very realistic. We will start the looks like a couple choices are Chicago or Munster. Otherwise, everything went well and Dave was home by 1:30 pm.
So after I got home we grabbed a beer and went out to the back yard to start planning for spring. Nikki and Ruthie were running around the "virgin" snow having a great time and then......there was blood in the snow. The first thing we did was to think Nikki hurt Ruthie...but no, it was one of Nikki's back paws and we couldn't stop the bleeding. Thanks to our great Vet we got her right in and both back paws were bleeding when we got there. Bottom line - 2 cuts and nothing visible in them. So she's home with wrapped paws and a collar to keep them on. Poor girl. And we have to protect them when she goes outside so they don't get wet. Of course she's on antibiotics. It's always somethin' .........
Sunday, February 21, 2010
I'd say we're just relaxing....sorta
Dave thought I should have a shelf in the bedroom too. So we bought a couple "floating shelves" to put on the wall and almost have them up. Other than some dishes, a couple loads of laundry and cooking... we're just sitting around. I'd like to watch a couple Oscar nominated movies... or the Olympics.
Dave's done with the antibiotics and doesn't seem to be wheezing as much. Will have info after the chemo appointment Tuesday :)
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Friday Fire

It was up to 39 degrees Friday afternoon and that's fire time. Everyone around here has a little spring fever. We decided to have the fire closer to the house, so used our small fire "pit". Dave made chicken wings that were great and went well with his homemade spilt pea soup. Got to watch about a total of 5 minutes of ice dancing....wonder why?
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Lincoln talent show
Caught the Lincoln show talent show tonight. How fun and creative. Our friend Claire Dine was one of the MCs. She did a great job. Thanks for inviting us Dine family. Now I just have to talk Dave into the men's figure skating final and it's a great day!
Dave has a little residual tummy ache. Pretty good day and did well with the CPAP mask last night. Now I just have to figure out a small vacation for some sun. Should be a good weekend. Fasting lab Monday and chemo Tuesday.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tummy Ache
Dave has a tummy ache. He seems to still have stomach issues on and off. Wheezing is better today. We're planning to go to the Dines (well really Lincoln elementary) talent show tomorrow night to see our friend Claire. Should be fun. Now- do I watch American Idol or Figure Skating??? Or go watch TV with Dave...mmmmm.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Count to 41
We went to the ENT today and Dave stopped breathing or breathed too shallow 41 times an hour during his sleep study. WOW. He officially has severe sleep apnea. Also continues to wheeze a lot and kinda had a low day. NP started him on antibiotics for 5 days today and I hope that helps him feel better. We're feeling like we need some sun so we may try to take a long weekend in Kentucky in March..... we'll see. At least it's warmer there and a fun city to visit. I'm thinking we'll get to see some figure skating tonight. YEAH!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Crazy heart
Dave felt pretty good today. Went to get lab draw. After work we went to see Crazy Heart and think Jeff Bridges did a good job playing a musician. Now it's left overs and TV switch off- the Olympics and the Cooking Channel (or is it a cooking show on the Travel Channel). Dave is trying to get me to believe that figure skating was cancelled this year. Not buyin' it! Hmmmmf.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Introducing Dave's music and medical service area

Dave's been able to use his CPAP mask about 5 to 7 hours a night. Not bad I guess. We appreciate the input from our friends who've gone through the experience already. I have to say, he doesn't snore and it's like heaven...or's just a good thing.
Dave's been a little less short of breath the last 2 days. He does still have some nausea issues on and off. Monday is lab day. Dave sees his ENT on Tuesday. Next week is chemo.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
The Hair - I don't need to say more
I've had a couple requests to show Dave's new hair. Contemplating how to capture the fuzzy stuff on Dave's head in a photo has been a bit puzzling. So this morning when I looked at Dave sleeping on the red pillow case......... Walla! He seems to have a few funny cowlicks but still some blond hair... so far.
Last night Dave had his gig with Bryan Lubeck in Goshen. It was a "homecoming" for Bryan as the concert was at his high school. He spent the day with the music classes and the high school jazz bands and singers performed a few songs with Bryan and the band at the beginning of the evening. They were pretty awesome. Best part for me, it was an early gig and we were home by 11:30 pm. BONUS!
It's time to talk about our Oncologist. Anyone who's had a serious illness can certainly relate to the close relationship that can develop between the patient and the healers. We have had total faith in Oncology Care Associates during our 7 months with them. After many years in our community, Dr Lester is retiring May 1. We have not been given an official reason for the timing of this, but I know it's getting harder and harder for some types of practices to make ends meet. Insurance companies can make providers (MDs) jump through hoops to get paid and Medicare decreases payment every year. I can just imagine the amount of time and resources given to managing this instead of patient care.
How will this effect us? Oncology Care Associates will continue some of their work with research. Because of the study drug Dave is getting, we would have to go out of town (Detroit, Petoskey, Indianapolis, Chicago) for him to continue having access. Luckily, we will be able to stay with Oncology Care Associates for Dave to get CP-751,871. Although this is a great relief to us, it is a great loss for our community to lose such a caring and respected practice. I do not want to use our blog to "preach", yet I need to say no matter what your personal views are about health care reform.... we need to do something.
Fuzz on!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Still tired
Wow, still pretty tired from the over packed meeting in Florida. Got back to some snow. It was great to see the dogs last night.
Dave went to get a chest x-ray today, he's been more short of breath the last week or so. Just a checking it out kinda thing. He couldn't sleep with the CPAP last night. Thought he'd like the mask but I'm hearing a lot of people switch. He'll try again tonight. His hair is getting so cute and he started to shave his beard. Tonight is practice for Bryan Lubeck, tomorrow he has to leave about 2pm for the gig.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
A whole week!
Well, I've been shirking my duties. Left for Florida to my work meeting Saturday afternoon and just got home about 10:00 pm. So happy the snow didn't stop our flight.
Dave got his CPAP today. Wish him luck on his first night. His hair is about 1/4 inch or so now and it seems like there's a "swirl" or 2...we'll see what happens with that.
Friday he plays a gig with Bryan Lubeck. Time to say good night...I'm pretty tired. :)
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Post Chemo
Dave's tummy has been a little upset, but Zofran is helping and he's eating well. He did tire out some today. Still understandable. I'm getting ready to leave for Florida Saturday. It's my yearly work national meeting. Don't be's only 60 there and we work ALL the TIME. I get back late Wednesday night, so anyone who wants to bug Dave.... I mean keep him company, I'm sure he'd like that.
His hair is starting to grow. It's like a little chick, soft and soft. I can't stop feeling Dave's head. I wanted to dye it.... I'm sure you can guess what he said. I think I'm starting to bug him a little. It's just so dang cute.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Dave had his clinic appointment today. I wasn't there but got reports from Dave (CW) and Joni (CB). Dave's labs are all back to normal. CT scan had little change(this is still good). Dave is wheezing a little more. O2 levels were okay, he got a nebulizer treatment there and gets a chest x-ray next week. He has an itchy rash on one leg (kinda where petechaie was) and we'll put Benedryl cream on that. His appointment was at 10:30 and he was home about 2 pm. Joni was the perfect "chemo buddy" today and got Dave lunch from Panera on top of taking him there and home. Last chemo Dave got, he threw up that night (that's when I used the word emesis) so he's starting Zofran for nausea tonight.
We're warming up left overs and I'm making a iceberg lettuce wedge, which Dave said he'd eat (I know there's less dietary value, but it's soooooo good). Probably watch TV. Thankful for another dose of CP- 751,871 (#9) and glad Dave's feeling stronger.
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