Link to Dave Maki Musical Tribute Saturday October 16, 2010 8 to 10 pm is closed


Saturday, October 31, 2009


Dave is feeling pretty good today. He says he got some blood "transylVEINiously" yesterday. His finger is worse, so good thing he's going to see the hand surgeon on Monday. "Cold" is better, but not sure he can get the H1N1 Monday with a cold.

First request from Mr Maki was to go get breakfast at our new favorite breakfast place, Joe's. Met with Phil and Loni this afternoon, the benefit was overwhelming. We feel blessed to know so many wonderful people. Then we went to dinner with Tim and Joni, their 29th wedding anniversary, at D'Agostino's in Bridgman. Haven't been there in years and it was great. Energizer bunny, aka David, is watching TV in the bedroom. Hope to find one more scary movie for the evening.

I'm feeling slightly anxious about results on Thursday. No increase in tumor size is a victory, but after such great results the first time we are hoping for more of the same. Hope to have final info on the drug study too.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Scary rainy evening

Cloudy and rainy all day today in Western Michigan. Dave was a trouper and finished 2 units of blood by 3pm. His ears and lips are pink again. Still tired, but I think tomorrow he'll feel better. Lots of vampire jokes today. We're starting to recognize patients at the infusion clinic.... is that good? I say yes and they are friendly. For those who have asked, Audrey is all healed and had her follow up today. She's jumping to go outside which isn't bad for a 13 year old (is that 91 in dog years?).

We're going to watch Young Frankenstein's tonight with popcorn and milk duds. Hope to work on leaves Sunday, but may need to go for H1N1 in Berrien since Dave has appt Monday afternoon with the hand surgeon. Happy Halloween tomorrow. Happy Anniversary Tim and Joni King tomorrow!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

And it's time for blood again

First, Dave has an upper respiratory "thing" going on. No temp and pretty mild at this time. He's on antiboitics for his finger and the NP thinks that will help his cold too. He got permission to start using cold medicine today. Second, Dave has to go back to the hand surgeon Monday to get his finger fixed (needle through the hand to numb and cut away some of the nail again, I'm sure). Also planned to stand in line for H1N1 vaccine Monday afternoon. I'm not sure if that will work now... hmmm.

Today they called to say Dave's hgb is down to 7.8 and he gets to receive 2 units of blood (packed red blood cells) at the infusion clinic tomorrow. 8 am reporting time and there most of the day; how he loves that! Last time he got a lot of energy back after the blood transfusion, so hoping for a good weekend and good blood counts next week before chemo #5 (then one more to go). No news on the drug trail yet. The fight continues and Dave is in GREAT SPIRITS! love to all.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Here we go.......again

Dave is getting paronychia on another finger. It's red and tender which is how it started the last time (see Sept 9 and 10). MD started antibiotics today but he only gets one day for it to get better, if not... back to the hand surgeon. This could be hard now that he knows what to expect. Someone should probably go with him if I'm not around. At least we got the bandage thing down. We won't get the last CT scan results until next Thursday. Hoping I can be there 'cuz I have to work with my new boss that day. I'm sure I'll get a perfect report from Dave and Joni. Dave's napping until we go to dinner at his mom's tonight. Then we're moving my mom's extra stuff into a storage place.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Recovering from the weekend

Today it felt like we hit a wall... pretty tired. Dave's taking a nap right now. It was so worth it, what a great weekend. Dave's CT scan seemed to go okay this morning. FYI the prep was better cold the morning. The tech said "they look pretty good to me", BUT we have to wait to see the comparisons. Hoping Dave can find something out when he goes for lab on Thursday (thought it was Wednesday). He should be starting his up swing. This weekend is free. I think Dave needs a little extra rest... or maybe a couple fires.... and there are leaves on the ground. Who did that? Maybe we can get some fresh air and start picking some up with the neighbors. They keep coming down, so a little at a time's the way to go. Autumn's my favorite time of the year.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Today is our 24th wedding anniversary. Dave proposed to me sitting in a booth at the old Silver Dollar. Don't know why we never went there for our anniversary dinner before they closed. Well we went tonight, only it's now Port 412, and had a great dinner. The crab bisque is divine. We had a fire last night with the neighbors. It was a beautiful evening.

Dave gets his second CT scan tomorrow. He gets to have a prep tonight and in the morning. Not sure when we'll get the results. It would have been this Thursday but his chemo is next Thursday now. Dave is sleeping well and I think he caught up on his sleep today. Still tires easily.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pictures and more pictures

Trying to figure out how to share all of the great pictures. I added Picasa photo stream to the bottom of the page. I thought it would show them.... but it's a link. Sorry if you have to sign up- hope it's worth it. If you know of a way to do it better, please let me know.

peace and love to all.

The Best Evening at Czars

Pictures: Some of the attendees; Chuck, Dennis Bowen and Dave; Dave with the Browns (came in from Florida).

Where do I start. Thanks, Thanks, Thanks to all of the fellow musicians, friends and family for coming out to Czar's last night. What an amazing turn out. How do I pick from all of the great photos we have- I'm going to work on getting a slide show on here so you can see all (they are all on facebook). Dave had so much fun seeing everyone and tried to talk to as many people as he could. If we missed you- know how much we appreciated the evening and sorry. From great food and cookies (by the cookie party members) for sale, a couple raffles, special drinks to the most talented musicians who gave their hearts and music to us all....... I can't find the words to say how much this really meant to us.

We got home and then to bed about 4 am. Dave slept until 3 pm and he deserved it. It was maybe a little too much for him at times- but he wouldn't have missed it for the world. Someone suggested we should have had a recliner for him in the middle of the dance floor- dang good idea. I know a highlight for us all was Mr Bowen, our high school choir director and music theory teacher, came down with his wife. Then Bob Brown, Dave's high school band director, and his wife flew in from Florida. Rob and Karen Varpa drove in from Minneapolis, Rob played some drums during the jams at the end of the evening. AND David Bartz came in from California.... without warning. I know I can speak for Dave and say we have the best friends and family. Thanks for your support and love.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dave with Maxon Struwin in LaPorte

Pictures: Josh playing steal guitar, the band (couldn't get Josh in there), Dave and Tom.

What a drive to LaPorte, 94 East to a bunch of small roads around Niles Michigan and we're there. It was a wedding reception and SURPRISE- I know the mother of the groom and some other friends were there too. Nice venue. Dave is just so tired. Still having a few issues with nausea. Numbness didn't seem to effect his playing. Now we need to rest up for tonight. Party at Czar's!

Friday, October 23, 2009

A rainy Friday night

Dave got to rest and nap some today. He's starting to have some numbness in his toes and fingers (Taxol side effect), but it's better today. Hope it doesn't effect his playing tonight and tomorrow. Getting ready to leave for Maxon Struwin gig in Laporte Ind. Will post some pictures tonight or tomorrow. No news yet from the study, they were suppose to meet 10/20. TGIF!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's almost Saturday

Wow- it's almost Oct 24th. Great write up in the Palladium today about the benefit. Dave is playing at a wedding with Maxon Struwin in Indiana tomorrow night and then it's Saturday. We are so excited to see everyone and certainly understand those who are unable to attend. And if you're sick and not sure if you should come- please take care of yourself. We want to celebrate music, life, and friendship. I'm sure we'll have a lot of pictures!
Dave is feeling pretty good. Just tired, a little nauseated and maybe a little pale.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Last Friday night picture

I promised a picture from last Friday night's jazz group. It's just from my phone, so not the best quality. The band played during dinner before a 4H fundraiser performance of "Forever Plaid".

Playing left to right: Dave Radecek,Dave Maki, Jim Allen and Bill Yamokowski

How's Dave?

First- Thanks to my nurse friends (Sue, Julie and Catherine) for looking after Dave while I was out of town. Dave continues to be tired, as expected. He's had a little more nausea this cycle, but tolerating with some extra Compazine. Weight appears to be okay. Appetite is still very good. Dave did a great job nursing our Audrey. Her leg is no longer swollen and she seems happy. Today Dave gets lab work and then sees his regular MD. Practice with Mister Edd tonight, last one before the benefit this Saturday. We're so excited for Saturday.

A Surprise in Nashville

So there's a great barbecue place in Nashville called Jacks and we wanted to have some good barbecue on the way home, so we stopped. Well, while trying to figure out the menu and blocking the door, telling people to go by us (regulars). ... all of a sudden my sister-in-law, Allison, calls my name and there is our friend Terry Brady! He lives in Nashville and we've talked about Jack's several times. He happened to come today right when we were there. Who'd a thunk! A happy surprise to our Florida trip, to find a friend on our way home. Thanks Terry for sharing lunch with us. We got home safe!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

And we're back from Florida

Pictures: Mom and Alison at the Gulf of Mexico; A Kingfish; Our helpers and mom.
Wow! Left Saturday and got back at 11 pm Tuesday. Here's the short update of the trip. Packed Sunday morning and got to see a little of Florida and have some fun the rest of the day. Ready to leave Monday morning, but mom's van was making a funny noise in the back. Come to find out Monday morning it was a faulty strut (she had just had replaced) and they would replace them but it wouldn't be done until 2:30 pm. They got done a little early and we got to Macon Geogria at 9 pm. Drove the rest of the way Tuesday.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Florida- can you say "quick as a bunny"

Leave tonight with Alison to pack up my mom and drive her back from Florida. So happy she'll be here for next Saturday- you all can meet her or see her again! SO, I'm signing off until Wednesday. Dave or Joni can post some updates.

Dave is hanging in there. Complained of some blurry vision yesterday. Still tired. The gig in Dowagiac was sweet, BUT I brought the camera without the battery (maybe still need Aricept). I took a couple pictures with my cell phone. Will email to Dave and he can post if they work. Anyone should feel free to bug Dave with emails, just know he naps and rests a lot. He has a patient to take care of while I'm gone. Our oldest sweet dog, Audrey, got in a fight with Nikki last Tuesday and Audrey got the bad end. She has some puncture wounds in her leg, they stopped bleeding but she developed cellulitis and her leg is swollen. So Dave gets to give antibiotics and pain med 3 x/day and clean her wounds twice a day. It made me feel better when our friend Missy at the vet's office said "did this have something to do with chasing along a fence?" YES! I'm sure they will both be fine. I'm a bit of a nervous Nellie when I'm away.

Looking forward to next Saturday and will post a small update of my adventure when I return. love to all!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Dowagiac here we come

Dave's playing with the jazz group tonight. Short gig. He went in for his Neulasta and Neumega today. He's cheeks are flushed and weight about the same today. Still tired. Of course I'll get a couple pics tonight. I think I may have figured out the video thing and will work on that later.

FYI- if anyone is having a hard time leaving comments: First- I'm sorry, Second- I've heard sometimes it takes a couple times. You can always check "cool, funny, interesting" and we'll know you've been here!

Looking forward to next Saturday and sharing music with everyone who comes.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The New Hat Vote

So the black fedora won the last vote with like 46% of the votes. The fedora continues on and we've added 3 new hats. Now Dave had some fun posing which leads me to put some more of the pictures with this post for you all to see how silly he can be. WARNING- do not do this at home, there were no illegal items used in these pictures, just a good sense of humor.

Another Chemo Day under CWs Belt, CP 751,871 #4

Yeah, counts were okay today, platelets were up to about 412,000. Due to the schedule change I couldn't be there this morning (was in Traverse City) and chemo buddy Joni took the reins. Dave sailed through today and was done by 3:30, right around when I got there. Corrections on all the "extras" - Neumega is the platelet injection and he gets 4 doses every other day. Aranesp is the drug name I messed up and that's for his Red Blood Cells, he'll get every 3 weeks. He still gets Neumega, this time it's tomorrow since he was done early enough today (25 hours after chemo). All and all a good day. Dave is VERY tired and I think he's gonna nap before dinner.

I'm planning to take new hat pictures tonight and we'll get the new contest going- have to keep our sense of humor! Love to all!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Big Correction

Okay- Dave is not on Aricept. Maybe I should be though. I need to get the drug names straight, will work on that if Chemos a go (I'm feeling positive) and I go to be with CW in the afternoon. :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Another Camp Fire at Camp David

Pictures: The boys- Jeff, Dave and John;. the highschool girls: Lee, Mimi, Julie and Deb; everyone by the fire.
Well, a small class reunion tonight. We had a camp fire (Camp David) with brats, beans, coleslaw (all good), beer and great company. Deb is here from Colorado, how cool. So a great time for us to all get together. Thanks for coming by.

Anything new?

Dave has an MD appt at 11:30 today, just a recheck on voice. His weight was down 2 lbs and except for being very tired he's being a real trouper! Tonight we are having some high school (and current) friends over. Deb (Butler) Warren, Mimi (Hafer) Schroeder and Julie Swidwa and a couple of their sweethearts. Hope to have a fire and eat and reminisce. Will post pictures. Hope to have a new hat vote up tonight too!

Monday, October 12, 2009

What's up

Dave's weight is staying about the same. He had Aricept teaching today. Tomorrow ENT follow up for hoarse voice (which is fine now). Labs Wednesday and hopefully Chemo this Thursday. I have business in Traverse City Wed. through Thurs. so chemo buddy Joni will fill in until I get back in town. Saturday I leave for Florida to help my mom move home with my sister-in-law, Alison. Hope to be back Tuesday or Wednesday. I tried to put video from Saturday on here. It looks great on the camera but again is out of synch when I get it on the computer. I'll have to work on that some day.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Friends come to hear Mister Edd

Friends at Fernwood to hear Mister Edd. The Dine's (Claire, Kay and Emma) with Ed Skjordal; The Cooks (Tyler and Denise); Joni and Suzanne with Dave.

Fernwood is a pretty cool place. I've never done the trails, but heard they are beautiful. I did check out the "gourde house" and they have works of art out of gourde's. Thanks to Kay and her blanket and Joni's extra sweatshirt, I stayed warm enough. Lesson learned- always prepare for the cold and have sunscreen for Dave.

Playing at Fernwood Saturday- and it's COLD

Saturday, Oct 10 in Niles Michigan (Fernwood) and it's 54 degrees. Although the sun did stay out a lot of the time, it was a little windy. Dave thought they may play inside so I assumed (we know what that means). No gloves, no blankets, no scarfs..... too cold! Mister Edd still played great. Will try to post video later today. Dave felt pretty good although I was worried about him being cold. It was so fun to hear Mister Edd again (first gig in awhile). More to come from them on October 24!

Pictures: David playing in the cold; Tim King trying to stay warm; Tim King, Lindsey Mierau, Mark Moore

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Playing at Fernwood today- and it's COLD

Dave was a little more short of breath yesterday. Improved after he took his prn inhaler. He has to weigh himself daily because a side effect of one of the shots he's getting is fluid retention. If he gains 3 lbs in one day he takes a water pill. Wt. was down some yesterday. Goes to get platelet shot this morning. Mister Edd is playing from 2 to 4 at Fernwood. They did the same gig last year and the weather was cool but sunny and beautiful. It may be inside today, high of 51 expected. Have to start getting out the fall/winter clothes. Will post pictures and a video (if I can get it to work today) later.

In case you see something in the news, the drug study is suspended for new enrollment while they investigate some severe side effects and deaths. Will know more 10/20 and keep you posted (thanks Phyllis for sending me the link).

Thursday, October 8, 2009

No Chemo this week

A little disappointing morning. We went to Dave's appt at 8:30 ready for #4. His hemoglobin is 9.8 - which would have been okay and he started on Erythropoietin today to help with his red blood cells which he will get once a week. Platelet count is the real problem. Normal is 150,000 to 400,00 and Dave's is 68,000 (we think- kinda blanked for a minute after she told us). Our oncologist usually hold chemo if less than 75,000. So Dave get's a week off and another shot, Neumega, three times (today, Saturday, and Monday). We'll get labs again next Wednesday and plan to resume chemo next Thursday.

So- it's better to be a little safe. Dave gets a week to rest and medications to improve some of his counts. It does throw off our schedule some. We've gotten use the every 3 weeks and planned some things- including the benefit- around that. All is fine, we'll adjust and CW will continue to fight with all of our supporters behind us. :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Short Video

Okay- I got a new camera because I broke the last one. Now the pictures are great but when I play back video on the computer the music and pictures don't match. So here's a cute bit Dave did last Saturday night- very short. I'll continue to work on filming techniques.

FYI- short time left to vote on hats, new voting options to follow :)

Who's more spoiled?

I ask you....who is more spoiled... Dave or Ruthie? Here is Ruthie loving on Dave this morning.. Yes, she's on the bed and begging to have her tummy rubbed. What a life!
Dave has Mister Edd practice tonight. Lips still look pink. Maybe his hemoglobin is still really good. I think we'd be happy with anything over 11. We'll find out in the morning. I go with Dave to the appt before chemo and then his chemo pal, Joni, takes over. I'm hopeful that #4 will be similar to the first 3. Will post tomorrow.
Thanks for positive thoughts and prayers.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Get Your Flu Shots

Tuesday night and it's rainy and overcast. Dave got his flu shot today. Timing was very important. The Oncology Clinic recommended 1 to 2 days before chemo. So I have to say...everyone get your flu shot. I'm going to try to get mine in the next couple weeks. And I've heard it's good to get the H1N1 too! We'll be getting all around here (not the nose spray- H1N1 though).

Tomorrow labs and Thursday Chemo #4.

I'm trying to get some video on here from Saturday night and have to get updated program to do it. Hopefully tomorrow.

Positive thoughts to our friends in Texas- Phyllis and her dad and mom. Hang in there!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Saturday Night and Everything's Alright

Pictures: Maki siblings; Liz and Dan dancing again; Maxon Struwin; the Lester dancers; End of the night- Rick, Tom and Mark
Great night at Czar's with Maxon Struwin. Dave's energy level is definitely better and he played great.... again. Julie and Mark Lester, Liz and Dan Shiman, and Alison and Mark (Dave's sister and brother) all came out. In bed about 3 am ....again. So worth it to share music and see Dave so happy- in his element.

Friday, October 2, 2009

And we have hemoglobin... well Dave does

Pictures: Dave waiting for blood; Dave finishing second unit of blood and feeling strong! (pictures are yellow because I didn't use a flash)
After a few hours sleep, we headed for the hospital and the infusion clinic this morning. They started the first unit of packed red blood cells a little after 10 am. Dave said he felt better after 20 minutes (?). But really he was feeling a boost after the first unit. Then lunch- a burger from the hospital coffee shop with a malt. I went to do some errands and Dave asked for a Roxy burger (great appetite). When I returned with burger number 2 the second unit had been started. We left for home about 3 pm. Dave's ears and cheeks are PINK! Hoping this is just what he needed. Tonight we'll just rest. Tomorrow night Czar's gig with Maxon Struwin.

Friday morning

First- I forgot the camera last night. The venue is way cool. Dave was "hot, hot, hot". He got a little dizzy and sweaty after starting set up, but rested awhile and really did pretty well after that. It was a long day. Drive home through heavy rain, at times, wasn't very fun. In bed at 3 am ( Dave had to stop for breakfast in Michigan City). Now blood transfusion day.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Here we go- first big side effect

Well, we got a call from the Oncologist office today. Dave's WBC count is fine, platelets are a little low but okay. His hemoglobin is low, 8.8, and it's been dropping slowly from the beginning (he started at 14.3). Patients usually get transfusions for a hemoglobin less than 9. He's been a little pale to me and still tired: that explains it. So he will get typed and cross matched today before we leave town for Aurora. We'll be going to the infusion clinic tomorrow (at 9:30 am) and he'll get 2 units of blood. Down side- at least 7 hours there. Up side- I already have the day off. He'll feel better and less tired. We won't have any delays for chemo next week.

Dave feels he can still play tonight. Have to leave around 1pm our time and should get home no later than 2 am. Oh, the musician's life. We'll make it through together. I'll update tomorrow.